My name is Juan Puig, I’m from Montevideo Uruguay and I’ve been working with Progress and Qad for six years in a pharmaceutical company in this versions:
- Progress CHUI/GUI, OpenEdge 10.1/10.2, ProxyGen and Microsoft .Net,
- QAD: Four years on eb version, a migration from eb to 2009.1EE for two years, and then a migration from 2009.1EE to 2011.1 EE. Technologies: ICT, QXTend, Financials No Intrusive Customizations, Reporting Framework and Browses on Win and Unix platforms.
Upon reading the blogs at (or - I can't remember) I came across a PDF report on safe coding practices (which can be found here ).
While the PDF has some ideas on management oriented safe practices, it does delve a little into safe practices regarding technology. What it doesn't is how it applies to ABL coding.