Rule "forwardparams" gives this warning when it finds that a function implementation has different parameters than its forward declaration.
For example:
function myfunction returns logical(input something as character) forward. function myfunction returns logical: if something>"" then return true. else return false. end function.
Rule fortranoper searches for the use of Fortran-style operators like:
EQ, GT, LT, GE, LE, NE (for =, >, <, >=, <=, <>).
I know some people may like this or are used to this, but others don't.
The rule "defaultframe" gives this message when it finds instances of DISPLAY and UPDATE statements that are not using a previously defined frame.
Why use this rule?
This can be useful when you are trying to identify user interface components in your code base. It can also be helpful for applying standards.
Frames should be defined with either a DEFINE FRAME or FORMAT ... WITH statement.
(explanation what this rule does, should go here. I don't know what the rule does)
This is a contributed rule, which means it is not part of the standard Prolint setup but you can download it separately from the Subversion reporistory and save it in your local prolint/contribs/rules path.
See for more information on contributed rules.
Actually this is just an experiment, belonging to the proposal which is described in
Traditional situation:
Up until Prolint release 73, Prolint supports two groups of rules: standard rules and custom rules. Standard rules are installed as part of the Prolint distribution. Custom rules don't come from the Prolint website; a custom rule is created by the Prolint user and never committed to the Prolint website and hence not available to other users.
When someone wants to share their custom rules, they have to be accepted by project admin (=Jurjen) and then wait until the next Prolint release.
New: Contributed rules