I have discovered an issue with PDF include - when you use it to fill pdf forms using non-standard character set (CP1250 in my case), the character codepage in the form fields gets wrong. Also, character width is sometimes messed up.
I use most current SVN version of PDF include and OpenOffice 3.2 to generate forms (tried 3.1 as well, with same result).
PDF file structure is a kind of mystery for me, so it's possible that my analysis went in quite wrong direction, but there is what I discovered:
PDFinclude is an open source Progress utility for dynamically generating reports in Adobe PDF file format without having to use third-party tools or utilities.
PDFInclude is a Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), distributed under the Eclipse Public License.
PDFinclude is a stand-alone component that defines a toolset of Progress functions and procedures that aid in the output of a PDF file directly from 4GL/ABL, without having to generate a separate text file first (as in text2pdf.p).