4GL/ABL General Programming

[FIND] There are difference with this 2 syntax styles?



FIND item 1.


Jasper report barcode 128 greneration and rotation


I am using Jasper Report 1.2 and now I want to represent an alphanumeric value as barcode in my reoport and it should show verticaly. Previously I was used a font to represent barcode but that is not supporting alphabets.Is there any free fonts that do the same or any other way? Looking forward for reply from any helping hand.
Thanks in advance.


how to set default font

I'm in the process of converting a character based progress v7 app to v 10.1. Most of the code works in windows for the time being but I need it to use a fixed font. How do you set the default font to fixed?


[WebSpeed] Webfunct.map: someone know this type of working method?

I find a txt file, full of this line:

"AR1" "SEATCHOOSE" "file1.p" "file2.p" "file3.html"
"AT5" "REPRICE" "file1.p" "file2.p" ""
"AT5" "REVISE" "file1.p" "file2.p" "file3.html"

, and a PRG master that we can call "init.p" that print on screen the new (dates driven) HTML page using a mix of link product with JavaScript ... i suppose ... O_O

If this kind of working is a standard of Progress products, someone can help me to understand better the mechanism plz?


Enterprise architect, Openedge OO is unsupported!!


OpenEdge 10.1C (Eval)
Enterprise Architect 7.1.828 (Eval).

I can generate code from the diagram but when I try to reverse engineer the diagram by clicking on Synchronize with code, it gives me an error

Openedge OO is an unsupported language, you cannot reverse engineer this class.

Is this a version issue?
Which version should I use for Openedge and EA ??


The istructions like "&IF DEFINE(PIPPO) = 0 &THEN" what are? o_o

... example:


Draw with ABL is possible? :D

Hi to all!

I made an exercise into i calculate the Fibonacci value.
The second idea that incoming in my head was "Why don't made a graphic rapresentation of the y=f(x) function"?

I try in the mode explain in picture.


Someone can indicate the mode to do this second idea?

I have think to display pxl to the place of character. Is this the "Master Road"? :)

Draw with ABLDraw with ABL

Calling Crystal Report from ABL using JDBC Connection

Cystal Report XI
OE Architect 10.1C

Hi PSC Users,
I found this code from PSDN. This is how to call Crystal Report using ODBC.
CREATE "CrystalRuntime.Application" chApplication.

chDocument = chApplication:OpenReport("d:\customer\crystal\1 Sales per country per customer top-5.rpt", 1).
chDatabase = chDocument:DATABASE.
chParamDefs = chDocument:ParameterFields.
chParamDef = chParamDefs:Item(1).
MESSAGE chParamDef:ParameterFieldName .
ResultText = chParamDef:SetCurrentValue(500).

chDocument:EnableParameterPrompting = TRUE.

Combo-Box inside A browse crashes after changed-value.Please help..

hi progress users,
I started to use OE Architect 10.1C. The combo-box inside the browse will not give an error if the list-items are listed during the design time in the properties window. But what I did was filling the combo-box after the browser is realized(during runtime).

Anyone has encountered this problem before? Please help if you have some suggestions.

I've already visited the knowledge based.(Still under investigation)

Thanx in advance.

OE10 - Best practice suggestions for source / object code folder organization

My OE10 arrived yesterday. I'd like to use this opportunity to better organize my source and object code folders. I have both GUI and CHUI code, and an increasing number of source and r-code files which are non-interactive and shared across the user interface environments.

Over the past decade (v8 through v9) I have organized my folders along the following lines:

src (CHUI and shared source)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/

tty (CHUI and shared r-Code)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/

gui (GUI Source AND Object)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/
- viewers/
- windows/

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