[WebSpeed] Webfunct.map: someone know this type of working method?

I find a txt file, full of this line:

"AR1" "SEATCHOOSE" "file1.p" "file2.p" "file3.html"
"AT5" "REPRICE" "file1.p" "file2.p" ""
"AT5" "REVISE" "file1.p" "file2.p" "file3.html"

, and a PRG master that we can call "init.p" that print on screen the new (dates driven) HTML page using a mix of link product with JavaScript ... i suppose ... O_O

If this kind of working is a standard of Progress products, someone can help me to understand better the mechanism plz?


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Re: Webfunct.map: someone know this type of working method?

If there is a something that we could call the standard way of WebSpeed
programming, then I might be able to provide you with an answer...
Is there a standard way of programming in PHP, Java or ASP ?
Don't mix the programming language with something that someone came up
with to use as his/her programming paradigm. This looks something like
an attempt (perhaps even successful, I don't know) to implement "Front Controller"
pattern using the WebSpeed, but we can't know for sure unless detailed
information is provided about the architecture.

Matrixbob's picture

So the complicate code that

So the complicate code that i've in my hand is all foult of the programmer's mind?
The mecchanism that i must study is the programming paradigm of the programmer?

I don't konw the architecture of the Sw becouse there isn't documentation about somthing... :( only code, but for contract agreements i can't post, if not in generic part.

In PHP, for example, is large use the PHP selfsubmit of page with form, so when i see something about this with 5 min i understand the paradigm ... now i wolk alone in the dark. :)

Each and every piece of code

Each and every piece of code ever written is a fault of some programmer's mind.
Whether it does the job properly or not, is another question.

The WebSpeed is easy to understand and is not much different than some other programming environments.
By default, the WebSpeed agent starts up with the procedure web/objects/web-disp.p.
This procedure is responsible for the following actions:
- Initialize all of the shared stuff to be used throughout the agent session
- Start specific procedures as persistent and setup some of them as supers
- Define trigger code to fire on WEB-NOTIFY event, i.e. when the request comes in
- Get into the wait-for block waiting for incoming request

If you take a look into the code that's executed on the WEB-NOTIFY event, then you'll see
that WebSpeed parses the url of the incoming request to figure out what program to run.
Some people opted to modify or replace the default web-disp.p procedure in which case
you need to analyze what's in their code.
Now, each program (run from within the web-disp.p) is responsible to detect whether it was POST or GET request and to act accordingly.

Shameless plug: for the WebSpeed request round trip take a look at slides 23-31
of this year Exchange session available at: