This group is for topics on coding in ABL (formerly known as Progress 4GL). Topics include code snippets, code examples, utility programs, tricks, techniques, and patterns. There are other groups for other more specific topics like Win32 API, OO programming, and specific programming tools.
I found that it is possible to assign/prompt for the recipient's email address. So I would like to know if it is possible to assign the Outlook 'from email account' in my program as well and what is the syntax?
Errol Courie
Has anyone done this in Progress?
Example: 19,786,565.128 result is: Nineteen Million Seven Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Five Point One Hundred Twenty Eight
Should be able to process any number from 0 to unlimited. If so, can you explain the technique, method or paradigm you used?
This group is for all the Progress OpenEdge users/developers to discuss and share their knowledge and jobs, current trends and help out people with problems.
I have challenge to make my application accessibility compliant by enabling the screen reader like Jaws to read the screen, as of today Jaws readers only the Field content and does not reader the label, tried implementing iaccessible interface "" and updated the accessname but NO luck getting it work. Please let me know if anybody has done any research or implemented successfully.
Appreciate your help in advance
I have challenge to make my application accessibility compliant by enabling the screen reader like Jaws to read the screen, as of today Jaws readers only the Field content and does not reader the label, tried implementing iaccessible interface "" and updated the accessname but NO luck getting it work. Please let me if anybody has done any research or implemented successfully.
Appreciate your help in advance
I have challenge to make my application accessibility compliant by enabling the screen reader like Jaws to read the screen, as of today Jaws readers only the Field content and does not reader the label, tried implementing iaccessible interface "" and updated the accessname but NO luck getting it work. Please let me if anybody has done any research or implemented successfully.
Appreciate your help in advance
Good morning everyone.
I need help urgently.
Someone has already built a Rest Webservice in Progress.
I've already developed SOAP, but never Rest.
I have already consumed Rest type.
I need an example or some documentation on this subject.
My requirement: I have a system developed in Progress and a legacy system, should consume a service of type Rest of my system.
Thank you.
Good Morning.
I need a help, with the PDFInclude library
I need to generate a PDF document, based on another PDF template document.
When copying the file into the new generated, I must change a word within the template.
Eg, inside the pdf file, read the string "& OP" and when generating a new swap file
the string by the number of the Production Order.
If someone has a very simple model, and I'm very grateful.
I'm trying to use the procedure: pdf_ReplaceTxt, but to no avail.
Thank you
We have a system (Progress 9.1D) that creates A4 despatch note files (.prn) that can then be printed on PCL 6 compatible HP Printers
I've got to make a change that involves creating some white text on a black box. The text will be the parcel force routing codes so it will be different per despatch.
For what seems to be a simple task I've been going round in circles for days!
I've attached my latest attempt which uses some PCL 5 code I found but all it does is print the control codes out so I'm clearly doing something wrong.
Source code of classes to test and use fingerprint scanner
Classes to access and enroll with Suprema's Biomini fingerprint scanners
I've been using PDFinclude with great success, producing simple text reports in pdf format. Now I'm being asked to do it with templates and form fields.
I have a very basic pdf template, just a single sheet for identifying pallets (company name, address, order-#). I designed the form in OpenOffice, added form fields and exported as pdf.
I'm running PDFinclude under RHEL, and I used the code example shown in the PDFinclude PRO docs as a starting point. If I export it without form fields, the resulting pdf is right, everything is there from the original pdf.
Hi everybody.
I want to share some programs I have done for some time and have worked for me. For free, no cost.
I was developed it since 1999, are very simple, but very effective.
Are developed for Windows only. Its the plattaform i use.
Can someone tell me who is the person I need to contact to let the programs in this page? or I need to contact directly to the PSC?
I have a legacy client running V11 chui. They have some code that produces bar codes using an old Progress include file {barcode39.i}.
Recently it was discovered that a . (period) is being read through the code as a - (dash) so they contacted me for some help.
I determined that the variable that holds the binary code equivalent of the characters had the same value for . and for -.
010000101 /* . */
010000101 /* - */
So I figured finding the correct code and replacing it would work. I see that the correct code for . is 100101000 so I replaced that in the code.
Ho do we create a rule which will identify whether the program is using a DB table or not ?