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Book Corner discussion

Forum for the Book Corner Group. Review and recommend software industry books.


Hello everybody,
I would like to know that:

Is there an implementation of "RESTful principle" (Representational state transfer) in OpenEdge?
The ideas behind REST were formalized in Chapter 5 of Roy Fielding’s 2000 PhD dissertation

Is there a way to call Progress UI in C# .Net

I am trying to call the progress UI(Built using AppBuilder) in C #; I would like to know if there is any way to do it? I am using progress 10.2 beta version.
Please help me!

OERA from .Net?


I wonder if the .Net framework supported in the upcoming 10.2A already have classes defined to be just what we'd need for the OERA components (from the beta presentation site, .Net 3.0 and 3.5 seem to be supported)?
I know almost nothing about .Net, but there seems to be a large API with a well thought structure.

Since 10.2A will support ABL classes inheriting from .Net classes, we'll probably be able to override .Net component methods to use our own ABL implementation if needed, and in many cases, we'll probably don't even need to have an ABL implementation!

GuiBom - from ABL+Proparse

The new ABL interface to Proparse is getting there!




FOR EACH symbolRecord
    WHERE symbolRecord.progressType EQ NodeTypes:Frame#:
  frame% = CAST(symbolRecord.symbol, Frame).
      "Frame: " frame%:getName()
  list = frame%:getAllFieldsAndWidgets().
  DO counter = 1 TO list:size():
    symbol = CAST(list:getNthElement(counter), Symbol).

CollectionClasses and iterating a List

Hey Thomas, can you take a look at this and tell me if this is how you intended for iteration through a List to be done? The objects symbols and childScopes are List objects.

  METHOD PUBLIC VOID addSymbolsDeep(TABLE symbolRecord BIND):
    DEF VAR symbol AS CLASS Symbol NO-UNDO.
    DO WHILE symbols:hasNextElement():
      symbol = CAST(symbols:nextElement(), Symbol).
      CREATE symbolRecord.
          symbolRecord.symbol = symbol
          symbolRecord.progressType = symbol:getProgressType()

Someone use the LOG-MANAGER with WebSpeed?

If yes, how?

I have seen in the ProKB "P116542" (KBId) that there is a problem with the assigne of a "LOGFILE-NAME", because it's not dynamically settings at the lanch of the LOG-MANAGER in the code of a file.p.

How i can resolve?


Welcome to the Book Corner

The discussion at got a little bit off topic, and went into a discussion about books.


There's been some good discussion about what should and should not be in a framework, which components should be required and which should be optional, etc.

Of course the blueprint for this framework is OERA, but I believe that what's missing from this discussion is an example implementation of a modern Rapid Application Development framework.

How to create WSDL

Hi All,

How I have to create WSDL?

Where I need to deploy that created WSDL?

What are the changes I need to do for creating WSDL


Problem with smtpmail.p

I'm trying to use smtpmail.p with our email server, but having no luck. I've tried to duplicate the settings used in my email client, but there's something different that the ever-suspicious server picks up and it returns this message:

220-(servername) ESMTP Exim 4.68 #1 Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:51:38 -0500 
220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

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