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Adverts and Commercial Forum

This Forum is for the posting of adverts and commercial materials. This is the only Forum on the Hive where this is allowed. Posting commercial material here is currently free, as long as it is obvious to the Hive editors exactly why the commercial material is of concern to Progress users.

Book Corner discussion

Forum for the Book Corner Group. Review and recommend software industry books.

Can't dump data using pro2my version 2 or 3 on centos with progress 9.1D

Hello to everyone!

Can anybody help me to run ptmd.p correctly? It doesn't dump the data nor create the .SQL files. It just outputs the status message "Processing ". My guess is that it does And how do i run a procedure in Linux command line without progress looking for the r-code? It just won't run without the rcode. I'm using mbpro and pro to execute the .p files... Help me please. Thanks.

Need help installing OpenEdge 10.2 on Linux

Hi all,

I am currently trying to install OpenEdge 10.2 on a server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES Release 4. On this particular server, there are 4 databases that usually are only brought up a couple of times a week for testing purposes, but are then shut down after use, so at the time I am working on it, none of them are in use. Oh, those databases run off of the version 9.1d Progress currently on the same server.

Webservice Call problem

I'm trying to create a procedure with a call to a webservice and keep getting this error when i do the actual call to 'GetTodaysOutlook' (I am running on Release 10.1B03)

"Error creating SOAP Call parameter: The requested 'PSCAnyType' C++ type for the {}OutlookTypes XML type cannot be instantiated. Mapping to 'WASP_DII_String' was found. (11797)"

I did run the WSDL analyzer(bprowsdldoc) on the wsdl , but i still cant find out what i do wrong).
If there is anyone that can tell me what i do wrong, i would appreciate it, Code supplied below:


Creating subtotals in Excel from ABL

After a lot of research, trial and error, and general head-banging, I've come up with the formula to add subtotals to a range in an Excel spreadsheet, but I can't for the life of me put those subtotals into more than one column.
This is the syntax for subtotals on a single column:
xlwksheet:range(vrange):subtotal(1, -4157, 4).
xlwksheet is the worksheet object.
vrange is a text string containing the range in CR:CR format.
1 causes the subtotal to occur at each change in the first column of the range.
-4157 indicates the subtotal is to be a sum.

"absolute" linenumber

Is there a way to get an "absolute" linenumber as opposed to the "relative" linenumber from parserGetNodeLine?
In stead of "line 3 in include something.i" I would like to have line 103 since the include was coded on line 100 of the .p
Is this posible?

Developing Application using Webspeed

Hi to all,

Can anybody direct me where I can browse for Webspeed tutorials? Any links?

I found some pdf files but just like an introductory.
I want to know how to use speedscript in updating records.

Thanx in Advance.

Line Chart

I am working on a project that requires representation of data using line chart to be displayed in a frame.

Is this possible in progress? Any advice?

Thanx in advance

Proparse.jar build 1049

I posted proparse.jar build 1049 to . This build adds early (alpha) support for 10.1C and 10.2A syntax.

How to get the 'WTSSessionID' out of the WTSQuerySessionInformation function??

I need to get the 'SessionID' from a Terminal Server Session.
I've already found a Progress example how to use the 'WTSQuerySessionInformation' to get the username (= WTSInfoClass = 5 => pointer to a null-terminating string).

To get the SessionId I need to call the same function but with the WTSInfoClass = 4 (= pointer to a ULONG variabele)
How can I do this??? I've changed the parameter from 5 to 4 but I don't get a result!!

I also want to use the same function but with the WTSInfoClass = 23 (= WTSClientInfo => pointer to a WTSCLIENT structure)

unexpected token: return

Is Proparse known to have issues with nested includes and/or 'many preprocessors'?
I have code that compiles fine, but when I try to Prolint it it gives me "unexpected token: return"
on code like:

if not available bPROG_DICT
then do:
/* Program Definition not found */
{lib/message.i &message={lib/msg/msg001}}

When I preprocess the code Prolint/ProParse have no problems.

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