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Adverts and Commercial Forum

This Forum is for the posting of adverts and commercial materials. This is the only Forum on the Hive where this is allowed. Posting commercial material here is currently free, as long as it is obvious to the Hive editors exactly why the commercial material is of concern to Progress users.

Book Corner discussion

Forum for the Book Corner Group. Review and recommend software industry books.

Combo-Box inside A browse crashes after changed-value.Please help..

hi progress users,
I started to use OE Architect 10.1C. The combo-box inside the browse will not give an error if the list-items are listed during the design time in the properties window. But what I did was filling the combo-box after the browser is realized(during runtime).

Anyone has encountered this problem before? Please help if you have some suggestions.

I've already visited the knowledge based.(Still under investigation)

Thanx in advance.

OE10 - Best practice suggestions for source / object code folder organization

My OE10 arrived yesterday. I'd like to use this opportunity to better organize my source and object code folders. I have both GUI and CHUI code, and an increasing number of source and r-code files which are non-interactive and shared across the user interface environments.

Over the past decade (v8 through v9) I have organized my folders along the following lines:

src (CHUI and shared source)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/

tty (CHUI and shared r-Code)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/

gui (GUI Source AND Object)
- ap/
- ar/
- gl/
- viewers/
- windows/

[4GL/ABL] FOR EACH "nested" and "FOR EACH, EACH" is the same thing?

... or there's some substantial differences?

/* Trovare le righe d'ordine associate all'ordine dell'ultimo cliente nella tabella del DB */

FIND LAST customer.

FOR EACH order, EACH orderline OF order WHERE order.custnum = customer.custnum:
    DISPLAY orderline WITH FRAME a TITLE "MODO 1".

FOR EACH order
    FOR EACH orderline OF order WHERE order.custnum = customer.custnum
        DISPLAY orderline WITH FRAME b TITLE "MODO 2".

run with DB Sports2000

[4GL/ABL] Experiment: variable & widget

I made this code:


  /* Tentativo da oggetto a variabile */
  ASSIGN fill-in-1 = INPUT fill-in-1.
  DISPLAY "1] " + fill-in-1 @ fill-in-1 WITH FRAME fMain.
  /* Tentativo attributo dell'oggetto */
  ASSIGN fill-in-2:SCREEN-VALUE = "2] " + fill-in-1.
  /* extension version of assign? */
  ASSIGN toggle-1 = INPUT toggle-1.
  /* compact version of assign? */
  ASSIGN toggle-2.
  i = i + 1.
  IF toggle-1 THEN DO:
                MESSAGE "toggle1".

[Test] How connect a client to a (remote) server with ProEnv?

On the server machine i've start a broker on port 3200 with:
proenv> proserve MyDb -H ServerIp -S ServerPort -N TCP -n 5 -Mn 10 -Mpb 5 -Mi 1 -Ma 10 -ServerType ABL

, while on the client machine i've start
proenv> prowin32 MyDb -H ServerIp -S ServerPort


[4GL/ABL] IDE, color editor, color printing of code & source code formatter (like "AStyle"): how?

Good morning to all guy! :)
I'm a new italian user of OpenEdge SW suite, so sorry for my bad english. :(
I come from C, PHP and SQL languages and now i start to work with OE.

I'm usual to use the "Code::Blocks" IDE, where ther's also the function of source code formatter (like "AStyle")
For the Web, for example, i use:

My cheaf, for example, use UltraEdit:

[4GL/ABL] Reverse: from DB's schema to table's relationship is possible?

Good morning to all guy! :)
I'm a new italian user of OpenEdge SW suite, so sorry for my bad english. :(
I come from C, PHP and SQL languages and now i start to work with OE.

My team received a lot of SW to debug (), but don't exist the relative documentation and so we are scared to mod part of the code because we ignore the side-effect of the mod. ;(

I ask to you if is possible rebuild the relationship starting from the DB, a kind of:

[4GL/ABL] Regular expression is possible to do in this language?

Good morning to all guy! :)

I'm a new italian user of OpenEdge SW suite, so sorry for my bad english. :(

I come from C, PHP and SQL languages and now i start to work with OE.

My first question is relative at the "regular expression":

, can i use this "power tool" with the frame's fill-in or form's textbox?!
I think to use these to ckeck the validate of the string in input.

TNX a lot!

Column Searching Using Freeform browse Widget

Hi to All,

Is it possible to use Freeform Browse widget in column search like using a physical database table?

Please help if someone know about doing this..

I'm using Progress 9.1A


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