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IMPORTANT! You can read every forum, but you can only post in a forum if you are member of the 'Organic Group' that owns the forum. See groups for a complete list of Organic Groups on the Hive. Content (forums, pages, blogs, etc) on OE Hive is all organized using a module called 'Organic Groups'. Every Group has its own forum.

Adverts and Commercial Forum

This Forum is for the posting of adverts and commercial materials. This is the only Forum on the Hive where this is allowed. Posting commercial material here is currently free, as long as it is obvious to the Hive editors exactly why the commercial material is of concern to Progress users.

Book Corner discussion

Forum for the Book Corner Group. Review and recommend software industry books.

Refactor example using the new API?

Are there any examples of a refactor using the new pure Java interface? It looks like all the test cases that do refactoring are commented out, and the Javadoc at is too mixed between the old and new APIs for me to be clear on how to do it.

Get widget handle from a procedure handle


Im trying to get the handle of a widget but cant seem to get any further than a window.

running the below will loop through all the procedures running but how would i get a handle to one of these so that i can chaneg the WINDOW-STATE

def var v-hand as handle no-undo.
def var v-hand2 as handle no-undo.

v-hand = session:first-procedure.

do while valid-handle(v-hand):
v-hand2 = v-hand:next-sibling.
v-hand = v-hand2.

any help is appreciated.

Events in OOP

How can I throw and then catch event from object? Can anybody help me?

How to set duplex mode to printer using WinApi function

Hi all,

Counld you please tell me how i can set duplex mode to default printer and check this mode on/off

Thanx in advance

New to Progress

I landed at a company that uses QAD. They have quite a bit of custom code.

I've been looking for Progress books / samples / etc. So far, I've discovered a pdf by John Sadd.

I'm starting out with simple questions: How do you reference the lenght of an array? How do you break out of a loop, etc.

If you could point me to some resources it would be appreciated!

tfnames missing from SVN repository?

The entire src/org/prorefactor/refactor/tfnames/ folder seems to be missing from the current trunk in Subversion, yet it is included in the most recent binaries at I was interested in adding support for setting useDbQualifier to true to TFNamesRefactor, as we need to add DB prefixes on quite a chunk of code.

Is some sort of major re-organization in progress or something?

smtpmail.p has a future sent date

Hi all,

Using v5.3 of smtpmail.p and finding that it is generating e-mails that have a sent date some 10 hours after the real sent time. I've checked the logs and can confirm that the date/time/timezone that smtpmail.p sends down the socket is right. Timezone settings also appear to be correct on the mail server.

We're running UTC+10. A mail sent at 12:27PM local time today gets a sent time of 10:27PM today... it's like the offset is being applied again. Any ideas?


I have OpenEdge 10.1b and want to to use prolint where do I get Proparse.dll?

I have OpenEdge 10.1b and want to to use prolint where do I get Proparse.dll?
I downloaded the Release 73 but I can not find the files of Proparse that goi with it

Writing file

Hi all!
I try to write file.

OUTPUT TO "/home/user1/dir1/111.txt".

If directory "dir1" don't exists how can I catch write-error exception?

Tools for Reverting *.r back to *.w/*.p

Hi Guys,

Any tools (Free Hopefully) to revert *.r file back to *.w or *.p ?


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