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IMPORTANT! You can read every forum, but you can only post in a forum if you are member of the 'Organic Group' that owns the forum. See groups for a complete list of Organic Groups on the Hive. Content (forums, pages, blogs, etc) on OE Hive is all organized using a module called 'Organic Groups'. Every Group has its own forum.

Adverts and Commercial Forum

This Forum is for the posting of adverts and commercial materials. This is the only Forum on the Hive where this is allowed. Posting commercial material here is currently free, as long as it is obvious to the Hive editors exactly why the commercial material is of concern to Progress users.

Book Corner discussion

Forum for the Book Corner Group. Review and recommend software industry books.

Loading data definitions from 4GL


Is there a way to load data definitions using 4GL code?

Thanks in advance

Stuart Richler

enumprinters not returning network printers in win-7?

I've been using the enumprinters progress code example to get a list of available printers since windows NT... and I have some clients (and myself) running windows 7 without a problem, but I have a client who is now switching to win-7, and the enumprinters fails to include networked printers in the list of available printers.
Any ideas, what I am missing?

here's a portion of the code I am using...

SET-SIZE(pPrinterEnum) = 30.

RUN EnumPrinters{&A} IN THIS-PROCEDURE (6,"",2,

Performance issues

hi to all im new in here also kinda newbie in oe i have some problems about db server and client performance forgive me if i posted this message to wrong forum.

how can i maximize size of cache openedge using. recently i tried to use client and server performance parameters
but i couldnt make a progress. how can i prepare high performance db and server client relation. i am inexperienced about db management.

thanks for your interest.

progress and google maps

Hope you are well...

Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with using the google Maps in a progress environment

I've gotten as far as using a static map and manipulting the URL
So building up a URL like"kanaalweg+9411"&markers=color:green%7Clabel:B%7C"kernweg+1627"&markers=color:red%7Ccolor:red%7Clabel:C%7C"eikenlaan+2404"

Then using a web browser OCX to post the URl this then displays the Map

Has anyone had any dealings with putting in waypoints and routes etc

Write Trigger

How do I know triggger write a new record in

Finding the name of the calling procedure...


I'm trying to develop some code which writes an audit record.
Basically I want to put the calling procedure name into record when I write it

The code is run something like this

run pctest.
Procedure pcTest:
run audit.p("this is some audit code")

How can I get access to both the name of the .p and the name of the internal procedure from within audit.p??????

i.e. test.p pcTest

I want to write this to the log file so I ca easily see what called it

Thanks in advance

Need help on underline font

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to progress ABL,
can anyone tell me what is the command to change the font to become underline font?

Thank you in advance.

What about nested includes?

If one has nested includes, is getFileIndex going to return all of them or just the top level? If all, is there any mechanism for getting the levels?

Or, is this another case of having to parse the LISTING?

Include file arguments

Would I be correct in assuming that, if I wanted to capture include file arguments, I would need to process the output of COMPILE LISTING rather than getting anything from Proparse?

metaschema last?

In your sample setup for Proparse scripting, you dump the schemas for any attached database and then dump the metaschema last. Any reason for putting it last?

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