
proc [procname] not found on server [handle]

Rule "runasnotfound" gives this warning when it finds a RUN statement
for an external procedure on an Appserver, while this external procedure can not be
found. It tries to prevent Progress run-time error 293.

The rule can only work if the source for the appserver partition is
available in the Propath of the Prolint session.

/* Prolint will check for runs in appserver context: */
RUN subdir/filename.p ON hAppServer.

/* Prolint will NOT check if subdir/filename.p exists: */
RUN subdir/filename.p.

See also rule runnotfound to check for
"RUN" statements that don't have the "ON [SERVER]" option.

the risc:

The rule was initially designed to prevent run-time error 293.

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put the directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(runasnotfound)} directly before
the RUN statement. See also: suppress warnings.