
[obsolete keyword] used, rewrite to [modern alternative]

Rule "obsoletenodes" gives this warning when it finds an obsolete Progress keyword in your source.

the risc:

Obsolete keywords may be removed from a future version of the 4GL compiler, although PSC is not likely to actually do that. A better reason to avoid obsolete keywords is that 4GL offers new ways to perform the same task, sometimes for better performance, sometimes for other reasons like OS-portability.


You can configure this rule by editing file "prolint/rules/persist/obsoletenodes.d".

This file contains data for a temp-table, which is defined as follows:

          FIELD obsoleteNode   AS CHAR
          FIELD severityLevel  AS INTEGER
          FIELD warningMessage AS CHAR
          INDEX obsoleteNode   IS PRIMARY obsoleteNode.
  • obsoleNode : not the obsolete keyword itself, but the NodeType according to Proparse for the obsolete keyword. The NodeType is almost always the same as the keyword without dashes (for example keyword "WORK-TABLE" has nodetype "WORKTABLE").
  • severitylevel : enter the unknown value (questionmark) or an integer 1..9. When the severity level is the unknown value, Prolint will report warnings using the severity level that was defined in the current profile for this rule.
  • warningmessage: this character string can contain &1. &1 is substituted by the actual node text.

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(obsoletenodes)} directly before the statement.
See also: suppress warnings.