
attrib :T will trim [string]

Rule "colon-t" gives this warning when it finds a string literal that has the :T string attribute,
while the string begins or ends with whitespace. The string will be trimmed at run time.

This is most often caused by adding :T attributes to statements like:

  status = "there are " + string(inventory) + " items in inventory.".

After adding :T attributes, the source looks like

  status = "there are ":T + string(inventory) + " items in inventory.":T.

But the result looks pretty funny: there are5items in inventory.

how to solve this:

Try status = SUBSTITUTE ("there are &1 items in inventory.":T, string(inventory)).

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(colon-t)} directly before the statement that contains string literals.
See also: suppress warnings.

This rule is implemented in Turbolint.