Spreadsheet Generator for Progress

I have come across what appears to be a good and thorough Progress program that will generate excel spreadsheets on Linux. This is the link :

but there no contact info in the manual and the only contact on the web page is the email. Has anyone heard of this program or is there a similar solution available.

Many Thanks

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you could try docxfactory.com

you could try docxfactory.com.

the approach is abit different. in docxfactory you design the templates in office and merge the data in progress or another language instead of coding the design e.g. place cursor at column/row, change font, set format etc. so there's almost nothing to learn.

it's free and the project will be open sourced this year. compatible with versions 9 and upwards.

supports both docx and xlsx. has alot of features. the project is regularly maintained and upgraded. tested and used by thousands of customers all over the world (mostly non progress).

the docx library was migrated to c++ (with progress and other language wrappers) which allows for creating documents in a few tens of milliseconds. the xlsx library is also in the process of being migrated to c++.

hope this helps.



We have use this for years. This support allmost all Excel features :)



Hello Tapani,

I would like test the spreadsheet but I don´t known how install the program, in the file README is write "See the INSTALL file for details.", but do not exist this file and the samples of programs is used include {lib/ss_gen.i} but this include also do not exist.
I thank if you can help me in any way.

Best regards.