I can't get pdf_pageHeader to work - what am I doing wrong?

I took the example of how to implement page headers & footers directly from the PDFinclude PRO v1 Documentation and from the table.p sample program.

My code is as follows:
{pdf/pdf_inc.i }

RUN Create-pdf.
PROCEDURE Create-pdf:

RUN pdf_new ("Spdf", "tmp/pdfTest.pdf").
RUN pdf_set_Orientation ("Spdf", "Portrait").
RUN pdf_set_LeftMargin ("Spdf", "10").
RUN pdf_set_PaperType ("Spdf", "LETTER").
RUN pdf_new_page ("Spdf").
message 'i am here ' this-procedure:handle VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
pdf_PageHeader ("Spdf",THIS-PROCEDURE:HANDLE, "PageHeader").
RUN pdf_text_at ("Spdf", 'THIS IS A TEST', 10).
RUN pdf_skip("Spdf").

RUN pdf_set_font ("Spdf","COURIER",8.0).
FOR EACH soln WHERE so-nbr = 2781330 NO-LOCK:
RUN pdf_text_at
(STRING(soln.so-nbr) + ' ' + STRING(soln.itm-nbr) + ' ADJUSTED'),
RUN pdf_skip ("Spdf").
RUN pdf_close ("Spdf").
END. /*create-and-email-pdf*/


DEF VAR L-hdrLn1 AS C FORMAT 'X(300)'.

L-hdrLn1 = '(soshpadj) ' + G-loginID + 'SO ADJUSTED REPORT' + ' PAGE: ' +
STRING(pdf_page("Spdf")) +
" of " + pdf_TotalPages("Spdf").

RUN pdf_set_font ("Spdf","Courier-Bold",12.0).
RUN pdf_text_xy ("Spdf",L-hdrLn1,1,600).


However when I print the document there is no page header, I do see my 4 lines of SO data, and the line that says "THIS IS A TEST".

I even tried to display a message while in my procedure PageHeader - but it appears to never get into the procedure...as I get no message to the screen. I've put a message in the FUNCTION call pdf_PageHeader and I do see that one. So, what am I missing?

I'm attaching the pdf file that the above code created.

pdfTest.pdf3.58 KB

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wrong statements order


pdf_PageHeader ("Spdf",THIS-PROCEDURE:HANDLE, "PageHeader").
must be before
RUN pdf_new_page ("Spdf").

as the pageHeader procedure is called from pdf_new_page.

