Word Wrap in PDF_TOOL Matrix/Table

Is there a way where you can enable word wrap when using the matrix/Table if the string is greater than the width of the column then then there will be a new line in the cell.

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It's a feature to be developped

This feature currently does not exist.
However, as the maintainer for PDFInclude I'd be glad to implement it, pleae contact me for conditions.

new version

The new version of pdfinclude I'm currently developping does now support wrapping both in table & matrix. Are you still interested?

Help required in Table Text wrap

Hi JC,

I'm using this pdf include and it helps me lot to generate the pdf output, Thanks a ton for this tool.

Could you please share with me the latest version of pdf include, which can help me to wrap a text in a table field.


Samrat Ray
Meridian Rx