Microsoft ListView text color

I'm using a Microsoft ListView control in my program and want to change the color of the selected item in the list. Does anyone know how to do that? I tried using :ForeColor but any integer I assign to it fails to work.

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Microsoft ListView text color

The value you assign to the ForeColor needs to be a valid 3 byte integer. The easy way to turn any colour into a 3 byte integer is to 'bitshift' the RGB value of the colour.

The valid range for a normal RGB colour is 0 (black) to 16,777,215 (white). Get the RGB value of the colour you require |R|G|B| i.e. |72|228|36| = light green (the free image editor Paint.Net will give you the rgb colour from a colour wheel).

To bitshift the colour into a valid integer you multiply each octet by the range of the previous octet to "shift" it to the left. For example with the light green mentioned above:

 |72|    228    |      36      |
      *256 (2^8)  *65536 (2^16)        which gives
 |72|   58368   |    2359296   |

You then just add the 3 integers together to give the integer value of the colour.

Here are some examples:

Pale Blue   = 16764875 (203,207,255)
Pale Yellow = 11205630 (254,251,170)
Pale Green  = 13237940 (180,254,201)
Pale Red    = 12303359 (255,187,187)

White       = 16777215 (255,255,255)
Black       = 0        (0,0,0).

The easiest example to show is white:

R  255         =      255
G  255 * 256   =    65280
B  255 * 65536 = 16711680 +

I hope that helps!


Text Color...

Did you tried with ":BGCOLOR" I have used it for browsers before and have worked find.

def var vBackgroundColor as int no-undo.
vBackgroundColor = 11.

:BGCOLOR IN BROWSE br-Browse = vBackgroundColor.

Or directly

:BGCOLOR IN BROWSE br-Browse = 11.

Doesnt Work

I tried that but it doesn't work. I'm using this against a ListView control though, not a browse control...

Use Version 6 Control

There are two versions of the Microsoft ListView control, Version 5
and Version 6. Version 5 does not support setting the foreground
color of an individual row. Version 6 does support this.

If u Remove the control from the window (be sure to save any code you have
attached to events for this control) then add a new instance of the
ListView control and ensure that you select Version 6 of the control
instead of Version 5.

Version 6

I do use version 6. I am not sure how to set the color of the text within that version of that control. Nothing I try works. Do you have an example?