Support of Excel link software

Category:support request

There is an outstanding problem with the software, however the library download has only provided r-code.
Can the source be made available?


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alonb's picture


Hello Dan,

We've developed libxlsx in the hope of selling it or grow our business even a little, especially, as an alternative to PDFInclude because it as so many bugs and no one to maintain them.

But other then several prospect phones calls it was a huge waste of time and money since developers worked on the project and they get paid generously for their time.

Maybe it's because Progress is a small dying niche or selling tools for developers is a bad idea but half a year down the road and we haven't sold a single copy.

For now we've decided to ditch our Progress projects including libdocx and the query optimizer. We're investing most of our time in getting out of Progress.

We do use libxlsx with our customers and I'm not going to post the sources because it could also find it's way to our competitors.

Anyways if you or a customer of yours are interested in a consulting arrangement, we could really use the work and I'd be happy to talk to you.

Otherwise I can't help you.

I'd even be offended if you expect to get project for free. We've donated huge projects like The Progress Standard Libraries, SvnHook etc. without even a single thank you, but this project isn't one of them.

If you or anyone else plans on writing an open source tool like this one then my hat is off to you.

I'd be happy to talk to you privately if you'd like.

My cell is +972-54-2188086
