KsvPlugin for OpenEdge Architect 1.0.2-dev

Download: KsvPlugin_1.0.2.zip
Size: 28.22 KB
md5_file hash: 1c175de7c34c4b33cb3b86da36f6550e
First released: Mon, 2009-08-17 12:04
Last updated: Mon, 2009-08-17 12:04
  1. The work of the 'Open file in PROPATH' and 'Open files from Clipboard' tools was improved. If open files are not in the current project they will be opened in readonly mode and there'll be no chance to modify them accidentally. The only way to get rid of the protection is copy the files into the project using the 'Copy file to project' tool.
  2. The new 'Original file' tool was added. It'll be useful with the 'Copy file to project' tool because it shows the orginal file which was copied into the project. Apart from that the tool allows you to open the orginal file in the editor.