Download: KsvPlugin_1.0.0.zipSize: 22.83 KBmd5_file hash: f312e064fe50b0ada8b796922ab35f54First released: Sat, 2009-08-08 16:00 The initial version of KsvPlugin
It works with OpenEdge Architect 10.2A SP1. To install the plugin you should unzip it and copy the jar file into the %DLC%\oeide\eclipse\plugins folder. If everything's ok you'll see the new 'Ksv Tools' item in the OEA main menu.
How it works
The plugin includes 5 tools:
- Open file in PROPATH you type any filename in the file open dialog box and the tool will try to find and open it in the editor using your OE project PROPATH.
- Open files from Clipboard if your clipboard contain any filenames delimited by '\n' char the tool will try to find and open them in the editor. Filenames might have contain junk chars such as curly brackets, spaces, etc.
- Copy file to project copies the current file into your current OE project. The tool is especially useful along with two previous tools.
- Build PROPATH Are almost all paths in your PROPATH subfolders of some root folder? If they are, the tool will be useful for you, because it allows you to choose some root folder and all its subfolders will be added into your PROPATH.
- Import aliases from OE Studio Does p4gl.als mean something for you? If it does, you'll find the tool useful, because now you can convert all your aliases from p4gl.als into eclipse's templates.