please disallow comments on issues

Project:The Hive project
Component:Project components
Category:feature request

On an "issue" page (like this one) you can add "comments" and also "follow-ups". That is confusing and has always been an annoyance to me. I would like to disallow comments, and keep follow-ups as the only way to discuss an issue. Having both comments and follow-ups confuses me primarily because they are not displayed ordered by datetime.

I can easily fix that and have actually tried that already, but the problem is that when I switch comments off, the existing comments (on existing issues) are not displayed anymore.
So the question is really.... do I get your permission to disable comments and accept that existing comments seem to disappear?


Comment viewing options

Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes.
john's picture


That sounds reasonable and OK by me. Maybe we'd just want to look through any existing Comments on Issues, and see if there are any that we should preserve by re-posting as follow-ups.

It's too bad that there isn't a way to display Follow-ups and Comments intermingled and all sorted by date, because I do see how each is a little bit different than the other. A Follow-up allows for a change in the attributes of the issue (such as the issue's status), whereas a comment does not allow that.

jurjen's picture


Assigned to:Anonymous» jurjen
Status:active» fixed

Good, thanks. Even better: I just found a new setting: set comments to readonly (on content-type issue). Using this seting you still get to see the existing comments but you can't enter new comments. Great.
So I have switched to that setting and also updated all existing issues to comment=readonly (where comment was read/write).


Status:fixed» closed