Find Lint Session

[Procedure: prolint/prolintdb/findsessions.w invoked by either prolint/core/selectfiles.w or prolint/outputhandlers/logwin.w]

The Find Sessions window presents a browse of all sessions matching the filter criteria (by default, today and your userid).

When you fill in filter criteria and select "Find", the browse will be refreshed with sessions that match the filter criteria. Any session where the User ID begins with the user filter characters, the date is the same as the date filter (or the date filter is blank), and the name filter exists within the session name (it does a match comparison) will be displayed.

The window is displayed when you select "Find Session" from the Select Files to Lint window, and from the Load Results button in the Results window.

When invoked from Select Files to Lint, it places the selected session in memory so that you can use it to add lint results. If you re-lint a program on a session where it had been linted before, the previous results are deleted and the new results take its place. If you want to compare the lint results of two different versions of the same program, you want to lint them on different sessions. You can set a single session as a baseline, and compare it against the most recent session using the Lint Stats window (see that page).

When you want to review the results of a session at some later point in time, you can go to the results window and select the Load Results button. This same screen will appear. When you select a session, all the results from that session are reloaded (republished) to the results window as if you had just re-run the lint module for it, so that you can filter, export, etc. as you would have done originally.

Once you have located the session that interests you, select the button that says OK or Load, depending on which window you came from. You will return to that window.