

This is a dynamic browserwindow, browse_exp.p in the zipfile, fed from a minimal repository to get the specific UI and query. It should compile starting from 9.1D as its most modern language-element is the CALL object. I have resized the name (and number) column a bit wit the mouse, you can see the number-label ends in a couple of periods. The last part of the columnheader always stays reserved for images. After that I clicked two times on the name-header, resulting first in an ascending and later in a descending sort. Notice the arrow-image. If you resize a column with an image, the images move to the right place on end-resize. Orders is a calculated field (it indicates if the customer has orders), I forbid sorts on calculated fields. This is indicated by the image. Filter-fields are generated too, for non-calc fields. You can see the result of the filterfield on city. Non-indexed sorts are indicated by a blue column-label.
The dynamic browserwindow can be started in selection-browser modus (dialog-box), the picture above is an example of one. The other modus is a persistent window. You could extend browse-exp.p with a for example maintainance-buttons, make it work without db-connection etc. In that case, please inform me/send me your add-on's/bugfixes if you think it would be interesting for others. You can easily maintain the repository with the "browserbuilder" utility that I have put in this package also.
If you are on V10 and winXP and have not removed prowin32.exe.manifest from your bin-directory you will notice the xp-style browse with a slightly darker columnlabelcolor fo selected columlabels. If you want the arrowbitmaps exactly the same color you will have to edit the bitmaps in the package.
Note that this package has not been used in production yet and is not tested thoroughly. Please inform me when you find bugs.