optional: the prolint database

Prolintdb consists of an outputhandler to write warnings to a database, and a couple of programs to help you query the database.

the user story:

Suppose you have a pretty large software project and want to inspect it with Prolint. It will take a long while for Prolint to finish the job,
so you would like to run Prolint unattended and look at the warnings later. Since it is a large software project Prolint will probably find
thousands of warnings, so you need tools to help you generate an overview.

Setup / configuration

  1. Create a Progress database. Do not create the database in the Prolint directory or in one of its subdirectories, because
    that might cause trouble with future updates of Prolint. I would suggest to create separate databases for each software project.

  2. Make sure the logical database name is "prolintdb".
  3. Load the dictionary from file "prolint/prolintdb/prolintdb.df".
  4. modify your startup script or shortcut, so this database will be connected in the session where you run Prolint.

Using Prolintdb

Make sure the prolintdb database is connected with logical database name "prolintdb".

Run Prolint as usual, but select a profile that uses outputhandler "prolintdb.p". This outputhandler is responsible for writing warnings to the database.
When you do not want to write anything to the database, then just don't use outputhandler "prolintdb.p".

To query warnings that are stored in the prolint database, you can use the windows "Statistics by rule" and "Statistics by subdirectory".
These windows can be launched from the Prolint Desktop window.

These windows don't actually query the warnings that are generated by the outputhandler, but they query statistics.
These statistics are also stored in the database but need to be calculated manually: just press
button "Recalculate" in one of the statistics windows. Statistics are not automatically refreshed after you run Prolint, you just need to press the Recalculate-button.

From the two statistics windows, you can use button "Show Results" to see the actual Prolint warnings that were saved by the outputhandler.
This button launches the usual "Prolint Results Window" and publishes the selected warnings to that window.

Once the selected warnings are visible in the Results window, you can use all the features of that window including: open the sourcefiles at the specified line number, re-lint the selected compilation unit, etc.

Please notice that the "Prolint Results window" assumes that you have been using a profile named "prolintdb".

When you want to re-lint a selected compilation unit, the Results window will try to do that with profile "prolintdb".
So it is required to actually have such a profile, and to make sure that this profile uses outputhandler "prolintdb.p".