Error in ProcessFontDescriptorDictionary

Approximately line 2076 in PDFextract.p ProcessFontDescriptorDictionary:

IF ENTRY(4, text-temp, " ") = "R" THEN DO:
curr-ptr = SEEK(INPUT).

This will error out when text-temp contains less than 4 " " delimited entries.

I changed it to:

IF NUM-ENTRIES(text-temp, " ") > 3
AND ENTRY(4, text-temp, " ") = "R" THEN DO:
curr-ptr = SEEK(INPUT).

Has anyone else run into this or is it something unique to my environment?


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fixed in current dev version

Yes this is a bug I discovered and fixed in dev version (see pdfinclude page to know how to get it). This modification allows to load e.g. open office generated pdf files with embedded fonts.
The dev version is stable, I should publish a version one of these days, but time is missing...

Thanks for the repsonse.

Thank you for the response and of course for sharing this utility. I will be making good use of it!