I've found a small bug in pdf_inc.p

I'm using tags with pdfInclude to change part of my text. But I noticed that sometime it works incorrect. There is no error when application works a pdf file. But when I open pdf file with Acrobat Reader it shows error 114.
I've investigated all cases when it works correct and incorrect and alo code in generated file. Then I've found something strange - when I use tag in text and this tag is the first character in line then procedure puts to stream one opening round bracket "(" without closing it with sequence ") Tj" then puts control codes which changes a font to Bold. It works well when you use tab after at least one othen character in line.
I've checked code of PutStreamContent procedure and found then
one statement writes variable preContent which ends with "(" suggesting that there is other text expected. Unfortunately when the first character is one of {&BoldOn..Chars} it starts to write code block forgeting obout closing te last opened paranthese.

To fixt it I've inserted a small block of code just after in the block :
CASE cChar:
/* Toggle Bold ON */
WHEN {&BoldOnChar} THEN DO:
/* Write buffer at current position */
IF LENGTH(cString) > 1 THEN
pdfPostContent {&pdfSKIP}.

if iChar=1 then PUT STREAM S_pdf_out UNFORMATTED ') Tj'.

Now all works fine !
Krzysztof Zambrzycki

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new version

This should be fixed in the new version, can you please test & tell me?

alignment of numbers in report

Hello, I have a consultation that to do.

I have a report with a column of values and in her the registries appear thus

1 3,000.00
500 2.56
679 1.80

that I must do so that the values of the item column and asignacion appear thus

1 3,000.00
500 2.56
679 1.80

I need aid


alignment of numbers in report

maybe this help, look at "AT phrase "


Specifies whether to align the left edge of the field, right edge of the field, or the colon of the field label, with the specified position.
This option can only be used in combination with the ROW and COLUMN options. This option is not supported for the Frame phrase.

tamhas's picture

Again, this should be a new

Again, this should be a new item, not a comment on an unrelated item. Are you asking about something that is a part of PDF include or just about something in a normal display statement?


maybe this help, look at "AT phrase "


Specifies whether to align the left edge of the field, right edge of the field, or the colon of the field label, with the specified position. This option can only be used in combination with the ROW and COLUMN options. This option is not supported for the Frame phrase.


Hello, thank you very much to respond.

the line of instruction that use to show the registries is the following one:

RUN pdf_text_at IN h_PDFinc ("Spdf",STRING(T-Detalle.Monto-Asignacion,">>>,>>>,>>9.99-"),128).

that I must place in this instruction so that the fields are flush right ?

it will be able to help me?
