Prolint release 73 is available

Prolint release 73 has a couple of bugfixes, a couple of new rules and a new feature.

The new feature is: an easier way to contribute your own custom rules with the world, or to shop for new contributed rules that other people may have uploaded.
Previously you had to send your rule to me, I would commit it to the Subversion version-control repository and people would get it if they wait for a new Prolint release or if they browse Subversion.
Now everyone can upload their custom rules directly into svn:// because it is a public directory. Everyone can also patch or bugfix each others rules, in other words you can finally do shared open-source development.
You can easily monitor if new rules are added, by using this RSS feed:
More information on this new feature is at:

As usual you can download the latest Prolint release from here:


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jurjen's picture

In case you just installed Prolint 73....

I have just uploaded a new one, sorry. The release I published yesterday had two bugs, both discovered and patched by Niek Knijnenburg. Thanks Niek.
So if you have already installed Prolint 73 yesterday or today (8 or 9 Februari 2009) then I'd suggest to download and upgrade again. The release number of the new build is still 73.
You can download it from here:
