Lines and columns

(Answering offline questions)
Yes, the line and column fields in the node are indeed the line and column of the token from the original source file. Those are count-from-one.

There is also a source file reference number, referencing the array of source file names (count from zero). (See client.p, which writes out the array of source file names.)

Not all nodes have a valid file/line/col. Some nodes are inserted into the tree 'synthetically' just for tree structure. Some nodes come from the text of &global-define or &scoped-define, and I don't remember what file/line/col those get, if any.

The comments and whitespace tokens are the 'Hidden Tokens' from the old Proarse documentation. Those are in the blob, but we haven't started working on the API for those yet.

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the lines and cols seem to

the lines and cols seem to match up for the c-win.w file, but I have problems matching with the dordlne.w file.

john's picture

Re: matching up

Do the lines and columns for tokesn from the dordlne.w sourcefile itself match up? I imagine that I'm using much older versions of the adm2 include files than you are, just because of the way my old unit tests are structured.

I'll work on posting the server today, so that you can work with data from your own source files.


Do you have any sample exercises for smartobjects under appbuilder for versions > than 10.00????

It's more than likely the

It's more than likely the problem - I was looking at 10.1C source code.

Looking forward to getting the server ! Yay!