Month Dropping From Date When Using PDF_TEXT_CHARXY

Project:PDF Include project
Category:bug report

Does anyone else have this issue? When using a date from the database with this statement it seems to drop the month so instead of getting 12/31/2008 I only get /31/2008. If I output the same thing within quotes it seems ok but not when it is a field. Here is the statement I am using,

RUN PDF_TEXT_CHARXY(sPdf,STRING(Order.OrderDate,"99/99/9999"),005,548).

I am new to PDFInclude but I do not see another PDF output command for date or anything like that I have to assume others have the same issue. I am using the latest version (v3.3.3) it is in a Compaq Tru64 UNIX environment so I am wondering if it is a problem only for Tru64 UNIX.


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tamhas's picture

I don't know PDFInclude at

I don't know PDFInclude at all, but it is very suspicious that the string you have is exactly 8 characters, i.e., the default character format.