Font registering

May i know is it possible to register the font with an existing pdf document

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charlesvc's picture



That is not my concern, i want to save the pdf document with font registered, if it is arial it should be registered
i have succeeded in converting word document to pdf but you know font is not registered

redskienz's picture

Font registering

Why would you do that? I suggest you should know what is the font type you want to use the third party utility found in the documentation to generate "afm" of font. In that case you can use any font you can imagine.:)


Possible using acrobat


If you use Adobe acrobat, you can choose to save the PDF with the fonts embedded in the document.

If you are having problems with arial and times new roman, why not use the fonts that are included in PDFInclude, Helvetica is a great replacement for Arial, and I believe that Times New Roman is a font that already exists in PDFInclude

Check the documentation for futher information on the fonts that are included.