Gooey bomb?!

This project is for building a Bill of Materials of frames and widgets. Such a BoM may have many uses, but the immediate goal is for assistance in conversion of existing ABL to use new .Net UI.

The GuiBom is composed of lists of frames, fields, and widgets in a given compile unit, as well as their attributes and links to nodes in the syntax tree where the frames and widgets are referenced. A proof of concept script has already accomplished much of this. The BoM goals appear to be straightforward to achieve by using the new version of Proparse.

That sums up the first part of the project, where Proparse plays the key role. The next part of the project, well, I'd better leave that up to Julian to describe. :)

Groovy script download

This Groovy script was the original prototype, proof of concept. It generates lots of useful XML, but we decided rather than go from Proparse+Groovy through XML into ABL programs, it would be better to work on the new Proparse ABL API so that we are working with Proparse+ABL right off the bat.

Download the zip file (attached below), unzipping creates a directory called 'guibom'.

Download proparse.jar and put it in that guibom directory.

Get and configure Groovy (especially the CLASSPATH), see /proparse/scripting.

Then run the script:

groovy src\GuiBom.groovy