PSDN Code Share

PSDN Code Share ( is a resource for members of the Progress community to share source code with other Progress developers. We are aggregating here those items not otherwise duplicated on OE Hive and which seem to have on-going relevance

XML Backbones

How to use Progress for Web Services and the new Service Oriented Architecture from a multi-platform perspective.

added by:
Geoff Crawford

Multi window management app using dynamic Smart Browser w/ Search

This is an example of an application with multiple window management and a dynamic smart browser with the search field option. A customised SDO populates a calculated field and performs some field population when a new row is added or created. Includes the following files: wMain,wOrder.w, wDept.w, dDept.w, dOrder.w

added by:
Kimberly Craven

Bar Graph Drawing on the Web

Bar graph drawing utiliity where you pass in a set of values and a graph is created in GIF format via fly to be referenced in a web page.

added by:
Geoff Crawford


This example shows the use the addQueryWhere and setQueryWhere functions in the SDO to make use of dynamic query functionality.

added by:
Kimberly Craven

Crystal OpenClient

This code enables Crystal Reports to connect to a Progress AppServer, run 4GL code on that AppServer, and use the resulting TempTable as data for a report layout. It works with Progress 9 and 10 (OpenEdge), and with Crystal Reports 9 or 10. Minimum requirement is Crystal Reports Advanced, this offers a Java connection.

added by:
Kimberly Craven


This example shows the use of the filter in the dynamic toolbar.

added by:
Kimberly Craven

Representing Group/Members Using a Temp-Table Approach

Business Application programming using Relational Data Structures in all environments GUI, Web and CHUI, almost always involve the representation of Groups and its Members. These Group/Member relationships could be a Group of Customers by Sales Region, the Users in a particular Security Group, the States that belong to a Country, etc. There are various approaches to presenting this association between Groups and its Members, depending on the nature of the application, the programming and UI environment, and other user requirements. One of the most common presentation methods, used under GUI, Web and CHUI environments is known as the Left-to-Right method. Under this presentation methodology, the user is presented with a list of all potential Members for a Group on the Left and the current selected Members in the Group on the Right. This article provides an easy to use Temp-Table approach to the Left-to-Right method, whereby the developer can simply replace the custom fields in the Temp-Table (in the example code) to satisfy the needs of his/her application.

added by:
Hansdip Bindra


This example shows the use of the getDataHandle function along with a QUERY-PREPARE method call on the returned handle to set the query within the SDO.

added by: Kimberly Craven


This example shows the use of a dynamic smart filter along with multiple SDO's.

added by:

Kimberly Craven

Comprehensive Approach to Field Level Validation/Security

The Event Driven UI Model is based on Widgets (Fields) Buttons, Fill-Ins, Combo-Boxes, etc., that reside in a Window (in Progress a Field Group, which in turn resides in a Frame, whose parent could be a Window). Thus, the lowest and most comprehensive level of information validation can only be done at the Field Level. Validation encompasses, both, the actual checking of the information, and also the Security associated with the Field. If the user is not allowed to work with certain Fields on the Window, then those Fields should not be enabled for that user, thereby, reducing the possibility of invalid information from entering into the Database. The Field Level Validation/Security Approach presented in the article is based on the use of SUPER-PROCEDURES (Internal Procedures in them) and associating them with the SESSION Handle, Persistent Triggers, Walking the Widget-Tree, PRIVATE-DATA of Widgets, PROGRAM-NAME(), Text Validation Files (.Val), and Temp-Tables.

added by:
Hansdip Bindra

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