
Prolint tables and fields in round table

We are using prolint within round table.
I was wondering if anyone had done something to lint tables and fields (instead of source code) and have created any rules for this. (Using the roundtable info for validation)

Focco van der Vegt
Red Bee Media (UK)

How to install Prolint?

Hi all!

nohardcodeemail.p bug?

If hard coded email is found in an include file, this rule shows the original procedure as source.
E.g. if I have procedure proc.p which is

/* proc.p body */
/* ... some code */
/* ... some code */

hard coded email is in inc.i

Though proLint will show me that source is proc.p, not inc.i. The line will be the correct line in inc.i

Attached is a changed rule, which seems to work fine.



A while ago we implented the StatementSkipList for rule do1.
I suggest we add BLOCK_LABEL to the default-list. Otherwise a DO without label is skipped, but one with label gives a warning.

run SetProlintProperty ("rules.do1.StatementSkipList", "CASE,DO,FOR,IF,REPEAT,BLOCK_LABEL").

rule message gives warning on hide message

One could perhaps argue that "hide message" may never be necessary when you never use "message" in the first place, but I think a lot of "own implementations" of messages result in the progress-message to be used.
So I adjusted the rule to skip "hide message" (statehead=HIDE).


In this rule IgnoreAb is also implemented in a way I think won't work or I don't understand.

wait-for close of logwin

I would like to run Prolint from our own application (not through desktop.w).
Actually, our application will start a new progress-session with propath and db's prepared and with a startup-procedure which runs Prolint.
What would be the best way to program the "wait-for close of logwin"? So I can quit the progress-session (without getting an editor).

Ignore AB-stuff

Tried to get this to work and found some bugs.
Jurjen, can you please verify and checkin?
Perhaps complete the default appbuilder-function-list (_CONTROL-LOAD, _DEFAULT-DISABLE, _DEFAULT-ENABLE etc.) in ignoreab.p


emptyblock skips prototypes and external

I have made some adjustments to emptyblock.p so now it wil skip prototypes and externals, i.e.:

procedure setwinxx external "win.dll":
end procedure.

procedure ip_ResetBackGroundColor in super:
end procedure.


Most of the time we only deploy r-code to our customer-sites, but the programmers have always programmed:
run asobj/a5xxx.p

runnotfound will give a warning on this, although the r-code can be found most of the time.

I see in the code that function IsDlcComponent does replace the .p (or .w) with .r to do a new search, but then only returns true if the found r-code is in DLC.
Why can't it just return (rprogpath <> ?) ?
That's what matters doesn't it?

(then maybe the function-name should be modified)

nameconv for temp-table-names, procedure-names, function-names

I have made some minor adjustments to nameconv.p so it will now also send temp-table-names and "tt_procedure"-names to namecheck.p

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