0 85 1 include 1 GETACB00.VAR 0 0 0 incarg 1 NEW 1 57 8 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 0 86 1 include 2 CURRFRMT.I 2 50 1 include 3 CURRFRMT.V 0 0 0 incarg 1 NEW 0 0 0 incarg 2 SHARED 3 20 8 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 3 20 12 macroref 2 0 0 0 macrorefend 3 25 8 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 3 25 12 macroref 2 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 0 0 0 incend 0 87 1 include 4 ISOCURRENCY.V 0 0 0 incend 0 146 1 include 5 ACBSCRN1.I 0 0 0 incend 0 148 1 include 6 SCRL-DEF.I 0 0 0 incarg menu-ext 3 0 0 0 incarg menu-keys INIT 'GTE' 0 0 0 incarg menu-init INIT['Gains','TransTDBal','Exit'] 0 0 0 incarg menu-help INIT[ 'Gains Screen','TransTDBal Scroller','Exit program' ] 0 0 0 incarg menu-form menu[1] FORMAT 'x(6)'\n menu[2] FORMAT 'x(10)'\n menu[3] FORMAT 'x(4)' 0 0 0 incarg menu-opt CENTERED 6 23 37 macroref menu-keys 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 24 37 macroref xtra-keys 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 25 44 macroref menu-ext 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 25 56 macroref menu-init 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 26 44 macroref menu-ext 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 26 56 macroref menu-help 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 30 40 macroref status-default 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 34 10 macroref menu-form 0 0 0 macrorefend 6 36 26 macroref menu-opt 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 0 187 21 include 5 ACBSCRN1.I 0 0 0 incend 0 166 1 include 7 SCRL-DRV.I 0 0 0 incarg frame f-ACBMain 0 0 0 incarg format OVERLAY 0 0 0 incarg file T-ACBDisp 0 0 0 incarg where true 0 0 0 incarg fields T-ACBDisp.zStr 0 0 0 incarg xtra-code IF choice = 'G' THEN DO:\n REPEAT:\n RUN ACBSCRN2.P(INPUT P-Account, INPUT P-Date).\n IF RETURN-VALUE <> 'REFRESH' THEN LEAVE.\n END. \n END.\n IF choice = 'T' THEN DO:\n HIDE FRAME f-menu NO-PAUSE.\n RUN ACBSCRN3.P(INPUT P-Account).\n VIEW FRAME f-menu.\n END.\n IF CAN-DO('G,T', choice) THEN DO:\n FOR EACH T-ACBDisp EXCLUSIVE-LOCK TRANSACTION:\n DELETE T-ACBDisp.\n END.\n /******************************************************\n$Header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/ACBSCRN1.I_v 1.2 02 Nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $\n$Log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/ACBSCRN1.I_v $\n# \n# Rev 1.2 02 Nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar\n# Task # 17549 - PET2272 - FN01 - IN0 : For account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing ACB, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress ACB will have ACB information displayedinstead of no ACB information for the whole account. \n# \n# Rev 1.1 13 Jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap\n# Task # 13771 - PET1084 - FN01 - PTS0 : Modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking Trans-Detl.ActiveDead to be one of AI, DI or RO. \n# \n# Rev 1.0 02 Jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch\n# Task # 5605 - PET368 - FN0 - PTS0 : Added new menu options Add, Modify, and Delete Override amounts for ACB TransTDBal scroller. These menu options will give users which have the security band Override ACB the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer IN transactions. \n******************************************************/\n/*****************************************************\n * History:\n *\n * 14-Jun-2004 Farzana Rajudheen (Wipro) PET1084 FN1\n * Modified to append Redirect Indicator(-R) to Transaction Type\n * for Redirected Trades.\n * \n * 01-Nov-2006 E.Lam PET2272 FN01 Dynamic ACB enhancement\n * - Added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses ACB,\n * if true then display N/A in ACB related columns.\n *\n******************************************************/\nFOR EACH TT-ACB\n BREAK BY TT-ACB.Fund \n BY TT-ACB.Class\n BY TT-ACB.TDSeq:\n IF FIRST-OF(TT-ACB.Class) THEN DO:\n FIND FIRST Fund-Mstr WHERE Fund-Mstr.Fund = TT-ACB.Fund NO-ERROR.\n CREATE T-ACBDisp.\n ASSIGN\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = TT-ACB.Fund + ' ' + Class + ' ' +\n Fund-mstr.EnglishLong\n T-ACBDisp.BreakPnt = BreakPntCnt.\n \n IF NOT TT-ACB.UnitACBStat THEN\n DO:\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = T-ACBDisp.zStr + ' - ACB Not Available!'.\n CREATE T-ACBDisp.\n BreakPntCnt = BreakPntCnt + 1.\n NEXT.\n END.\n \n END.\n FIND FIRST Trans-ACB-IP NO-LOCK \n WHERE Trans-ACB-IP.TransID = TT-ACB.TransID NO-ERROR.\n \n FIND FIRST Trans-Detl NO-LOCK USE-INDEX TransID\n WHERE Trans-Detl.TransId = TT-ACB.TransId NO-ERROR. \n CREATE T-ACBDisp.\n ASSIGN\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = STRING(TT-ACB.Deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' \n + TT-ACB.TransType \n /** Check if Redirected Trade **/\n + (IF Trans-Detl.TransType = 'ID' \n AND CAN-DO('60,61',STRING(Trans-Detl.INDC))\n THEN '-R'\n ELSE ' ')\n zExtFormat = CurrFrmt( 'K',\n HomeCurrency,\n TransCost,\n 12,\n no )\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = T-ACBDisp.zStr + \n SUBSTRING(zExtFormat, 1, 12)\n + (IF AVAIL Trans-ACB-Ip THEN '*'\n ELSE ' ')\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = T-ACBDisp.zStr + \n STRING(TT-ACB.Units, \n IF TT-ACB.Units < 0 THEN '->>>>>>9.9999'\n ELSE '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + \n STRING(TT-ACB.UnitBal, \n IF TT-ACB.UnitBal < 0 THEN '->>>>>>9.9999'\n ELSE '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' '\n zExtFormat = CurrFrmt( 'K',\n HomeCurrency,\n TT-ACB.acb,\n 12,\n no )\n T-ACBDisp.zStr = T-ACBDisp.zStr + \n SUBSTRING(zExtFormat, 1, 12) +\n (IF TT-ACB.RocAdjust THEN '*' ELSE ' ') +\n STRING(TT-ACB.UnitACB, \n IF TT-ACB.UnitACB < 0 THEN '->>>>9.9999'\n ELSE '>>>>>9.9999')\n T-ACBDisp.BreakPnt = BreakPntCnt.\n IF LAST-OF(TT-ACB.Fund) and NOT LAST(tt-acb.fund) THEN DO:\n CREATE T-ACBDisp.\n BreakPntCnt = BreakPntCnt + 1.\n END.\n IF LAST-OF(TT-ACB.Class) AND NOT LAST-OF(TT-ACB.Fund) THEN CREATE T-ACBDisp.\nEND. \n \n HIDE FRAME f-ACBMain.\n CLEAR FRAME f-ACBMain.\n VIEW FRAME f-ACBMain.\n VIEW FRAME f-Line.\n ASSIGN\n Curr-Recid = ? \n Repaint = Yes.\n END. 7 62 1 ampif false 7 65 1 ampendif 7 73 1 macroref initial-values 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 75 6 macroref layout 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 75 27 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 75 36 macroref format 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 77 12 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 78 25 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 82 19 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 86 5 macroref beg-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 87 6 macroref beg-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 87 17 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 87 5 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 88 5 macroref beg-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 90 5 include 8 MESG-DRV.I 8 11 8 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 13 12 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 16 31 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 16 63 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 18 22 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 18 51 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 8 19 9 macroref 1 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 7 97 18 ampif false 7 97 55 ampelse ? 7 97 67 ampendif 7 98 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 98 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 98 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 99 13 macroref security-first 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 100 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 110 35 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 111 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 111 50 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 113 30 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 115 25 macroref find-xtra 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 116 33 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 116 43 macroref display 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 117 25 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 118 30 ampif false 7 118 67 ampelse ? 7 119 29 ampendif 7 119 36 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 119 52 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 119 67 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 121 25 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 128 32 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 132 1 ampif false 7 139 13 macroref bef-disp 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 141 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 141 46 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 142 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 143 17 macroref find-xtra 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 145 25 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 145 35 macroref display 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 148 13 macroref after-paint 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 150 1 ampelse ? 7 151 13 macroref bef-disp 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 153 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 153 46 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 154 13 macroref find-xtra 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 156 21 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 156 31 macroref display 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 158 13 macroref after-paint 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 160 1 ampendif 7 166 28 macroref colordisp 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 167 37 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 167 47 macroref color 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 175 32 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 179 5 macroref bef-menu 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 181 1 ampif false 7 182 51 macroref autorefresh 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 183 1 ampelse ? 7 184 5 include 9 MENU-DRV.I 0 0 0 incarg xtra-keys home, 9 34 1 ampif false 9 35 23 macroref autorefresh 0 0 0 macrorefend 9 39 1 ampelse ? 9 41 1 ampendif 9 72 1 ampif false 9 73 23 macroref autorefresh 0 0 0 macrorefend 9 78 1 ampelse ? 9 80 1 ampendif 9 82 25 macroref xtra-keys 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 7 185 1 ampendif 7 188 16 macroref xtra-avail 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 196 20 macroref xtra-color 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 197 31 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 197 41 macroref color 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 199 5 macroref xtra-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 200 6 macroref xtra-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 200 18 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 200 5 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 201 5 macroref xtra-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 202 5 macroref xtra-code2 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 205 1 ampif false 7 211 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 212 18 ampif false 7 212 55 ampelse ? 7 212 66 ampendif 7 213 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 213 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 213 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 214 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 215 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 219 28 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 223 1 ampendif 7 228 9 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 229 14 ampif false 7 229 51 ampelse ? 7 229 62 ampendif 7 229 69 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 230 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 230 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 231 9 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 232 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 235 13 macroref reccount1 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 239 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 245 9 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 246 14 ampif false 7 246 51 ampelse ? 7 246 62 ampendif 7 246 69 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 247 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 247 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 248 9 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 249 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 250 31 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 253 13 macroref reccount2 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 257 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 264 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 265 18 ampif false 7 265 55 ampelse ? 7 265 66 ampendif 7 266 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 266 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 266 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 267 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 268 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 270 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 276 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 277 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 278 18 ampif false 7 278 55 ampelse ? 7 278 66 ampendif 7 279 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 279 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 279 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 280 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 281 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 284 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 285 33 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 292 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 293 18 ampif false 7 293 55 ampelse ? 7 293 66 ampendif 7 294 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 294 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 294 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 295 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 296 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 298 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 305 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 306 9 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 307 14 ampif false 7 307 51 ampelse ? 7 307 62 ampendif 7 307 69 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 308 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 308 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 309 9 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 315 14 ampif false 7 315 51 ampelse ? 7 315 63 ampendif 7 315 70 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 316 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 316 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 317 9 macroref security-first 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 318 31 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 325 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 333 14 ampif false 7 333 52 ampelse ? 7 333 63 ampendif 7 333 70 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 334 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 334 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 335 9 macroref security-last 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 337 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 338 18 ampif false 7 338 55 ampelse ? 7 338 66 ampendif 7 339 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 339 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 339 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 340 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 341 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 342 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 350 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 351 33 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 360 17 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 361 22 ampif false 7 361 59 ampelse ? 7 361 70 ampendif 7 362 17 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 362 33 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 362 48 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 363 17 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 365 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 370 17 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 371 22 ampif false 7 371 59 ampelse ? 7 371 70 ampendif 7 372 17 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 372 33 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 372 48 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 373 17 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 374 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 375 41 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 387 17 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 388 22 ampif false 7 388 59 ampelse ? 7 388 70 ampendif 7 389 17 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 389 25 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 389 40 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 390 17 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 392 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 396 27 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 397 13 macroref find-clear 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 398 24 macroref find-prompt 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 399 13 macroref find-assign 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 400 18 ampif false 7 400 55 ampelse ? 7 400 67 ampendif 7 401 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 401 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 402 17 macroref find-where-first 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 403 17 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 404 17 macroref find-where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 405 13 macroref security-first 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 406 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 413 36 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 421 5 macroref bef-mod 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 431 16 macroref mod-blk 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 431 38 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 432 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 432 38 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 434 23 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 436 25 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 440 13 macroref mod-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 441 14 macroref mod-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 441 25 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 441 13 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 442 13 macroref mod-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 445 9 macroref end-mod 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 458 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 459 18 ampif false 7 459 55 ampelse ? 7 459 66 ampendif 7 460 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 460 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 460 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 461 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 463 30 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 466 13 macroref clear-all-upon-add 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 470 16 macroref add-blk 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 470 38 macroref frame 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 471 13 macroref add-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 472 14 macroref add-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 472 25 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 472 13 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 473 13 macroref add-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 474 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 475 32 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 476 13 macroref add-leave 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 482 9 macroref add-after 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 494 9 macroref pre-del 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 504 9 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 505 14 ampif false 7 505 51 ampelse ? 7 505 62 ampendif 7 505 69 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 506 17 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 506 32 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 507 9 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 508 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 509 33 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 511 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 511 38 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 512 13 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 513 18 ampif false 7 513 55 ampelse ? 7 513 66 ampendif 7 514 13 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 514 29 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 514 44 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 515 13 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 516 22 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 516 54 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 519 19 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 519 39 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 521 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 521 38 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 523 23 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 525 30 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 531 30 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 531 40 macroref color 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 532 9 macroref del-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 533 10 macroref del-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 533 21 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 533 9 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 534 9 macroref del-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 535 18 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 536 13 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 555 21 macroref security-begin 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 556 26 ampif false 7 556 63 ampelse ? 7 556 74 ampendif 7 557 21 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 557 37 macroref index 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 557 52 macroref where 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 558 21 macroref security-end 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 559 34 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 562 26 macroref file 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 565 21 macroref find-xtra 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 566 29 macroref fields 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 566 39 macroref display 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 587 9 macroref exit-before-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 588 10 macroref exit-prgm 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 588 22 macroref &* 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 588 9 macroref frame="f-acbmain" &format="overlay" &file="t-acbdisp" &where="true" &fields="t-acbdisp.zstr" &xtra-code="if choice = 'g' then do: repeat: run acbscrn2.p(input p-account, input p-date). if return-value <> 'refresh' then leave. end. end. if choice = 't' then do: hide frame f-menu no-pause. run acbscrn3.p(input p-account). view frame f-menu. end. if can-do('g,t', choice) then do: for each t-acbdisp exclusive-lock transaction: delete t-acbdisp. end. /****************************************************** $header: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar $ $log: //base/projects/vcs/mfs_base/share/acbscrn1.i_v $ # # rev 1.2 02 nov 2006 08:07:06 lamedwar # task # 17549 - pet2272 - fn01 - in0 : for account which consists of fund/classes suppressing and not suppressing acb, enhance the system so that fund/classesthat dont suppress acb will have acb information displayedinstead of no acb information for the whole account. # # rev 1.1 13 jul 2004 12:45:24 ramsarap # task # 13771 - pet1084 - fn01 - pts0 : modified programs to exclude phantom transactions by correctly checking trans-detl.activedead to be one of ai, di or ro. # # rev 1.0 02 jan 2001 10:56:32 diebelch # task # 5605 - pet368 - fn0 - pts0 : added new menu options add, modify, and delete override amounts for acb transtdbal scroller. these menu options will give users which have the security band override acb the ability to override book values for purchase and transfer in transactions. ******************************************************/ /***************************************************** * history: * * 14-jun-2004 farzana rajudheen (wipro) pet1084 fn1 * modified to append redirect indicator(-r) to transaction type * for redirected trades. * * 01-nov-2006 e.lam pet2272 fn01 dynamic acb enhancement * - added code to check if account/fund/class suppresses acb, * if true then display n/a in acb related columns. * ******************************************************/ for each tt-acb break by tt-acb.fund by tt-acb.class by tt-acb.tdseq: if first-of(tt-acb.class) then do: find first fund-mstr where fund-mstr.fund = tt-acb.fund no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = tt-acb.fund + ' ' + class + ' ' + fund-mstr.englishlong t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if not tt-acb.unitacbstat then do: t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + ' - acb not available!'. create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. next. end. end. find first trans-acb-ip no-lock where trans-acb-ip.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. find first trans-detl no-lock use-index transid where trans-detl.transid = tt-acb.transid no-error. create t-acbdisp. assign t-acbdisp.zstr = string(tt-acb.deff, '99/99/99') + ' ' + tt-acb.transtype /** check if redirected trade **/ + (if trans-detl.transtype = 'id' and can-do('60,61',string(trans-detl.indc)) then '-r' else ' ') zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, transcost, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if avail trans-acb-ip then '*' else ' ') t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + string(tt-acb.units, if tt-acb.units < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' + string(tt-acb.unitbal, if tt-acb.unitbal < 0 then '->>>>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>>>9.9999') + ' ' zextformat = currfrmt( 'k', homecurrency, tt-acb.acb, 12, no ) t-acbdisp.zstr = t-acbdisp.zstr + substring(zextformat, 1, 12) + (if tt-acb.rocadjust then '*' else ' ') + string(tt-acb.unitacb, if tt-acb.unitacb < 0 then '->>>>9.9999' else '>>>>>9.9999') t-acbdisp.breakpnt = breakpntcnt. if last-of(tt-acb.fund) and not last(tt-acb.fund) then do: create t-acbdisp. breakpntcnt = breakpntcnt + 1. end. if last-of(tt-acb.class) and not last-of(tt-acb.fund) then create t-acbdisp. end. hide frame f-acbmain. clear frame f-acbmain. view frame f-acbmain. view frame f-line. assign curr-recid = ? repaint = yes. end." 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 589 9 macroref exit-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 7 596 5 macroref end-code 0 0 0 macrorefend 0 0 0 incend 0 0 0 fileindex 0 mfs_base\share\ACBSCRN1.P 0 0 0 fileindex 1 mfs_base/share\GETACB00.VAR 0 0 0 fileindex 2 mfs_base/share\CURRFRMT.I 0 0 0 fileindex 3 mfs_base/share\CURRFRMT.V 0 0 0 fileindex 4 mfs_base/share\ISOCURRENCY.V 0 0 0 fileindex 5 mfs_base/share\ACBSCRN1.I 0 0 0 fileindex 6 mfs_base/secur\SCRL-DEF.I 0 0 0 fileindex 7 mfs_base/secur\SCRL-DRV.I 0 0 0 fileindex 8 mfs_base/secur\MESG-DRV.I 0 0 0 fileindex 9 mfs_base/secur\MENU-DRV.I