Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the FAQ pages rescued from

Default Directory in Progress Editor or Appbuilder


In the AppBuilder or Procedure Editor, whenever I choose File -> Open it starts in the last directory I used, not my working directory like it used to. How do I get it to start in the initial directory defined in the Windows shortcut?


There are a couple solutions for this.

First you can modify adecomm/_getfile.p (yank it from by adding the line "initial-dir '.'" to the first system-dialog get-file command you will find there.

Second, you can use Tweak UI to customize the "Places Bar" that appears in the file-open dialog-box to include the directories for the projects you work on.

Link (Windows XP):

Link (Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000):

Excel howto


Tips and examples for communicating with MS-Excel.


by Jeff Pilant

Sites with information to write *.XLS directly:


Some Excel tricks:

1) To speed up the excel generation, you can disable the screen updating with the following:

chExcelApplication:ScreenUpdating = False.

and restore it with

chExcelApplication:ScreenUpdating = True.

2) If you don't need to see the spreadsheet at all while it is being created, then remove the following from your code:

chExcelApplication:Visible = true.

This makes Excel go a bit faster because it doesn't do any
displaying. Be careful of this one if you are still debugging.

3) Some Excel COM commands take more time than others. Note which take long amounts and maybe find a way around or without them.

4) Grouping assignments into a single ASSIGN statement helps a little bit.

5) Some commands can be applied to a range of cells, like the

formatting of a set of cells to the same format. A single
assignment to set all the cells is faster than several
assignments to a single cell each.


In the Progress COM Object Viewer, select the help file,
select a method/attribute/... and press F1, if help is
properly installed you will get a help page about the
At least it is like this for Word/Excel...

Juan Nunez


KB# 18762 ACTIVEX - One Way to Manage Your COM-HANDLE References

KB# 19563 ACTIVEX - Reference Suggestion


How to find parameter info.

SaveAs example:

- Open the corresponding COM help file for the application: Vbaxl8.hlp
- Select the tab
- Type "SaveAs"
- Double click on "SaveAs Method". It brings up a window that breaks down the various parameters.
- Click on the link under the FileFormat property description. You will see a screen that lists all the variable/constant names used for this parameter.
- Run the Progress COM Object Viewer (proobjvw.exe) on the corresponding com object file: Excel8.olb
- Select the entry "XlFileFormat" (object name found on the help page above)
- Select the entry "xlExcel5" (again found on the help page)
- Read the info in the window
- Use the value listed (xlExcel5 = 39) as the value for the parameter


chWorkBook:SaveAs(chFileName, -4143,,,,,,, TRUE)


How to open an excel file program Progress:

    CREATE "Excel.Application" chExcel.
    chExcel:Visible = TRUE.


How to close an excel file program Progress:

    /* all prompts will be shut off/on */
    /* this prevents unsaved check     */
    chExcel:DisplayAlerts = false.
    /* Close the workbook, Excel still open */
    /* Exit Excel */


Progress COM Object Viewer:



How to acces the MS Help file for info:

MS Excel:

- Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\VBAXL8.HLP"
- On the find tab, type: Microsoft Excel Objects
- Double-click: Microsoft Excel Objects

MS Word:

- Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\VBAWRD8.HLP"
- On the find tab, type: Microsoft Word Objects
- Double-click: Microsoft Word Objects


Win32 Constants program contains many constants for SDK and Office: download here


Standard practice for MS Office:

- Start recording a VB macro
- Select the item you want
- Make the mods you need
- Stop recording
- Edit the macro for it's text
- Convert to Com-Handle style syntax for Progress

How to test for Error status


How should you test for error status


The following two tips were found on Peg, sent there by George Potempkin:


2. Check the error stack directly:

ASSIGN _MSG = 0. /* only V9 - put a "message" in error stack */
RUN something.

Progres command-line parameters

There used to be a list on the internet of Progress startup parameters. The list, maintained by George Potemkin, was famous for its "undocumented" parameters, but it appears that every link to the list returns 404.
Because it's a shame when such a beautiful list is lost, I have found an old copy and decided to publish it here. If someone has objections against republishing, please just let me know.

Progress Startup Parameters.

Last update:  December 20, 2004
by George Potemkin (potemkin@******.ru)

The source is available at:

1. The list contains server and client startup parameters as well as
   parameters for some Progress utilities.

2. Where it is possible I will narrow down the origin of parameter
   to the Progress patch number.

3. Plus(+) sign after Progress version means that parameter was
   introduced in that release.
   Minus(-) sign respectively means that parameter was obsolete.

4. Abbreviation "pkb" refers to a Progress knowledge base article.
   Abbreviation "msg" refers to a Progress message number.

The Progress Email Group was a great source of information for creation
of this document. Several people have been kind enough to share their

Dmitri Levin
Geoff Crawford
Grant Maizels
Bob Brennan
Libor Laubacher
Pedro Martinez
Stefan Marquardt
Kraa de Simon

Undocumented Parameters of the Releases before V7.3B.

6.X  +  -,     European Numeric Format (the same as -E)
6.X  +  -PF    Parameter File (the same as -pf)
6.X  +  -! <FileName>   Fast Track Message File

 Fast Track Message File contains any text data. The bounds of the data
 records are defined by an index table stored in the file header.
 You can refer to any record by the include file syntax {!<number>}.

 Msg ## 1722-1725 say: The -! feature is a temporary feature for Version 6
 PROGRESS only. It WILL NOT be supported in future version of PROGRESS.

 De facto, this feature is available up to V9.

6.X  +  -ct <seconds>  Specify how long the client will wait and gather SPX information
 on the CONNECT. The -ct option is a connection parameter.
 Issue #20000721-001, Patch 1st Fixed: 8.3C07 on Win32

6.X  +  -synchronous    Enables Synchronous Debug Mode.
6.X  +  -Mxs <Kbyte>    Shared Memory Overflow Size. Default: -n * 300 bytes.
6.X  +  -I <DbBlocks>   Total Private Buffers. Pkb 5633

 Default: 2 * -n, Range: 0 - 32000, Type: Broker Parameter
 PROGRESS tries to use private buffers for read-only operation thereby
 reducing competition for shared buffers; In V7/8/9 PROGRESS still allocates
 the private buffers. Set -I 0 in

6.X  +  -O <DbBlocks>   Private Buffers

 Default: 0, Range: 0 - (-I), Type: Connection Parameter

6.3  +  -nap <ms>              Nap Time / Initial Latch Sleep Time

 Default: 10 ms before V7.3C and 20 ms in V7.3 and up. Range: 10-500 ms.
 When a process is trying (-spin tries) to acquire a latch and fails
 then it naps -nap ms. See promon -> R&D -> 'debghb' -> Administrative
 Functions -> Adjust Latch Options -> Initial latch sleep time.

6.3  +  -napinc <times>  Nap Time Increments

 Default: 2 times
 The nap time is multiple by a value of the -napinc when a process
 naps -napstep times (i.g. 20,40,80,160,...).

6.3  +  -napmax <ms>     Maximum Nap Time (pkb 16518)

 Default: 5000 (100 with V7.3C-??? - Progress bug, it should be 5000).
 The maximum value to which a nap time can increase.

6.3  +  -napstep <times> Maximum Increment Steps

 When a process naps -napstep times the nap time is increased by a value
 of the -napinc.

6.3  +  -lkhash <num>   Lock Table Hash.

  Default value is a prime number greater than 1/8 the -L value where
 the prime number is sourced from an internal PROGRESS array (30 entries)
 from 13 to 98407 with values increasing in a geometric progression using
 the approximate ratio 1 to 1.4. The prime number table is identical in
 versions 6.3, 7 and 8. The same table is used for the -hash parameter
 (pkb 15385).

 Each entry uses 12 bytes of the shared memory. Pkb 15956 or 16580.

6.3  +  -ixlru <num>    Index Block LRU Recycle Limit

 Default value: 0, Range: 0-99
  This is an experimental feature that is designed to give index blocks
 preference over data blocks in the buffer ageing algorithm. The idea
 is that when index block finds its way to the tail end of the lru chain,
 we put it back on the front and let it age again before replacing it.
  The recycle limit controls how many times it gets to go around.
 See: promon -> R&D -> debghb -> Startup Parameters
 Set: promon -> R&D -> debghb -> Administrative Functions -> Adjust
      Page Writer Options -> Index block recycle limit

6.2  +  -z1      Force a crash (for test purposes) between commit phases with 2PC.
                 CONNECT db1 -db db2 -z1.
6.3  +  -znohint Turn off ALL hints sent to ORACLE; Pkb 16306
6.3  +  -znotrim Don't trim trailing blanks in where clause.
                 ORACLE DataServer; Pkb 13078
5.X  +  -zod     Don't use ORACLE TRUNC for date in where clause; Pkb 12384.
6.X  +  -zo      Shows SQL code that Progress generates and sends off
 to ORACLE. The -zo is not supported in V7.3C+. In V8 this feature has
 been replaced with query tuning paramter qt_debug (-Dsrv qt_debug,SQL).

6.2  +  -zp      Issue a message 1408: The id of this process is <PROCESS ID>.
7.3A +  -zcache  Issue a message 821: Reading schema cache for database...
7.3A +  -zr      Ignore R-Code File / Forces Session Compile. Msg 2887
7.3A +  -zqil    Query Index Listing (msg 1848).
  Local character clients only. (But kbase #21216 says that -zqil and -zqilv
  are working in GUI/CHUI and with local/remote connection).
          (Some notes about undocumented parameters -zqil & -zqilv)
7.3A +  -zqilv   The same as -zqil parameter but with LEAF info.        
7.3A +  -zn      Disable the special meaning of the leading underscore ("_").

 By default:
  - Progress does not allow to create the temp-tables, fields, variables,
    etc with the names begining with "_".
  - For the procedures with names beginning with "_" Progress applies
    the same rule as for all procedures when -q parameter is used.

7.X  +  -m4      prosql: oidrvr32.exe -SV -S <service> -m4 -Mi <num> -pf <PF>

7.X  +  -cgw     Compatible R-Codes (Oracle DataServer).

  V7: Deals with the queries that use ORACLE tables with a progress_recid
 column (Pkb 17397). The procedures compiled with (without) -cgw must be
 run with (without) -cgw (Msg 2721, 2722).

  V8: To generate r-code with a Version 8.0B client that an 8.0A client
 can also run, you must specify the Compatible (-cgw) parameter when you
 start your 8.0B session to compile and save the r-code.
  If code references DATE columns that are mapped to the CHARACTER data
 type, you will not be able to generate compatible r-code, even if you
 specify -cgw.

6.X only  -K     Keystroke Capture/Playback. Pkb 5985.

         Record keystrokes: -K record <keyfile.mstr>
      Interactive Playback: -K playback keyfile.mstr keyfile.gen
            Batch Playback: -K batch keyfile.mstr keyfile.gen
 where <keyfile.mstr> is your master file originally recorded,
       <keyfile.gen> is where the results of playback will be stored.
 TERM environment variable must be the same as what you set to record.

7.3A +  -QA      Quality Assurance Layer (Character mode only)

         Record keystrokes: -QA record <master.evt>
  Play back the keystrokes: -QA playback <master.evt> <generated.evt>
    Report window creation: -QA log <master.evt>
 -QA option sets the time in seconds since the start of the UNIX epoch to 0.
 The start of the UNIX epoch is 00:00 1/1/1970 GMT.

Connection Parameters (that define an process to connect to).
7.X  +  -SV    Open Interface Driver Connection

  The -N,-H,-S,-m2,-Mm,-nb,-NL,-Nv,-pp parameters followed the -SV
 parameter belong to OIB/OID.
  If a Parameter File (-pf) startup parameter is included in the -SV
 parameter list, all parameters in the file, up to the first -db
 parameter, are part of the -SV parameter list. However, all parameters
 after and including the first -db in the parameter file are ignored,
 and are not passed to OIDs.

6.X  +  -Gw    Directs PROGRESS to shut down DataServer Broker. Msg 3663.
               Ie. the -N,-H,-S parameters followed the -Gw parameter
               belong to a DataServer Broker.

8.1A +  -AS    Directs PROGRESS to shut down AppServer Broker. Pkb 16288.
               ie. the -N,-H,-S parameters followed the -AS parameter
               belong to a AppServer Broker.

8.1A +  -web   WebSpeed Broker Connection
 Ie. _wta -web -wtbname <Name> -wtbport <Number> -wtaminport <Number>

9.0A +  -svub  Indicates using unified broker service. See below.

Changes by release.

7.3B as of June 1995
7.3B +  -ininame        Initialization File
7.3B +  -brl            Bleeding Record Lock (pkb 13881, 15160)
7.3B +  -dictexps       Dictionary Expressions
7.3B +  -checkdbe       Check Double-byte Enabled
7.3B +  -nocheckdbe     No Check DBE
7.3B +  -cpprint        Printer Code Page       
7.3B +  -cprcodein      Read Rcode Code Page    
7.3B +  -cprcodeout     Write Rcode Code Page   

7.3C01 as of Oct 12 1995
No changes.

7.3E as of Apr 17 1997
No changes.

7.3E15 + -tcponly       Prevent the NLM server from starting up the SPX protocol. Pkb 19632

8.0A as of Nov 1995
8.0A +  -cplog          Log File Code Page
8.0A +  -fldisable      Field List Disable
8.0A +  -noindexhint    Index Hint
8.0A +  -nojoinbysqldb  Server Join
8.0A +  -noSQLbyserver  SELECT Pass Through Disable
8.0A +  -OUTPUT         Redirects the output from a Progress batch session
                        to a file. Pkb 16768.
8.0A +  -rbcpreportin   Report Code Page In
8.0A +  -rbcpreportout  Report Code Page Out
8.0A +  -rbcpudfin      UDF Code Page In
8.0A +  -rbcpudfout     UDF Code Page Out
8.0A +  -rbdel          Report Engine Record Delete
8.0A +  -rbfile         Report Engine File
        -rbfile rbrun.txt  This can be used when running prore.exe from the
                        command line. _printrb.p must first be run to
                        generate the rbrun.txt. This is intended for
                        internal testing only.

8.0A +  -rbP            Encoded Password (documented in V9)
8.0A +  -rbstatfile     Report Status File
8.0A +  -rbtable        Report Engine Table Name
8.0A +  -rbtag          Report Tag
8.0A +  -rbupds         Report Update Status
8.0A +  -SQLlogging     OID Server Connection (OID, AppServer)
8.0A +  -zpfnet         ?
8.0A +  -zbfs           ?
8.0A +  -zfl            Field List Reports  (msg 4164, 4165)
     Writes to a database log file debugging messages about re-reading
    a field-list records and reports a number of records read.

8.0B as of Jul 10 1996
8.0B    -spin           PROGRESS implemented -spin on NT (Michael Furgal)
8.0B    -directio       Became supported on all platforms (Michael Furgal)
8.0B +  -basekey        Registry Base Key
8.0B +  -evtlevel       Event Level. There is EVTLEVEL environment variable.
8.0B +  -hardlimit      Hard Limit for -D,-nb,-mmax,-l. Pkb 16387
8.0B +  -mux 0          Turn off mtlkmux() and mtfrmux() when -spin has
                        been set. Msgs 3717, 3718, 5797.
8.0B +  -portnumber     ?  Obsolete in V8.1A
8.0B +  -znosavepoints  No Save Points

8.1A02 as of Dec 9 1996
8.1A -  -portnumber     Introduced in V8.0B.

8.1A +  -AS             Directs PROGRESS to shut down AppServer Broker.
                        Pkb 16288
8.1A +  -con            Connect Procedure
8.1A +  -dis            Disconnect Procedure
8.1A +  -lkwtmo         Lock Time Out
8.1A +  -logfile        Log File (compserv.lg)
8.1A +  -logname        Event Name
8.1A +  -Mpte           Shared Memory Page Table Entry Optimization
                        Digital UNIX. Msg 5556. Rewritten in V8.3A.
8.1A +  -trace          Trace (AppServer)
8.1A +  -web            WebSpeed Agent Connection
8.1A +  -weblogerror    WebSpeed Agent should create an error log file
8.1A +  -wtamaxport     Agent Maximum Port Number
8.1A +  -wtaminport     Agent Minimum Port Number
8.1A +  -wtbport        Broker Port Number
8.1A +  -zcompsrvrbuf   ?
8.1A +  -znw            ?

8.1C06 as of Jul 06 1998
8.1A03-8.1C06 +  -ASID  ?                        [AppServer Startup parameter]

8.2A as of Apr 28 1997
8.2A    -Mpte           VLM64 Page Table Entry Optimization (Digital UNIX)
          Syntax was changed: an argument <num> is not need anymore.

8.2? +  -exact          Allows a procopy to be made without the changes to
  the master block. Pkb #16676.

8.2A +  -blocksize      Block Size (PROSTRCT Utility)
8.2A +  -groupdelay     Group Delay (Turning tips: pkb 18003)
8.2A +  -index          Index (PROUTIL DUMP Qualifier)
8.2A +  -Mpb            Maximum Servers per Broker
8.2A +  -maxport        Max Dynamic Server Port
8.2A +  -minport        Min Dynamic Server Port
8.2A +  -Mms            AAppServer Maximum Maintained Prestart Counter
8.2A +  -Ms             AppServer Maximum Prestart Counter
8.2A +  -populate       Disable Fast Schema Changes
8.2A +  -nopopulate     Enable Fast Schema Changes
8.2A +  -norecover      Disable DB Recovery with Off-line Backup. Pkb 17553
8.2A +  -tscope <num>   ?
8.2A +  -zprofile       Profiler Config File:

8.2B +  -verbose        (proutil -C idxfix -verbose) Send the output to standart out
   instead of .lg file. Does not work until V8.2C.

8.2C as of Feb 23 1998
8.2B-8.2C +  -noreorder      No Join Reorder (Report Builder, pkb 19119)
                             This option may help increase performance on reports
                             that contain SQL using the implicit join syntax.

8.2C +   deactivate     Deactivate indecies (proutil -C load deactivate)

8.2C09 as of Sep 03 1998
8.2C09 +  -nofixdate

   From: Brian K. Maher <>
   To: <>
   Subject: PATCH: 8.2C07 for Win32 (95,NT)
   Date: 10/08/1998

    Progress failed to properly adjust a date format using 4 digit years
   when using the -d ydm, -d dmy and -d mdy startup parameters. Date
   formats will now be rearranged to correspond to the -d startup
   parameter.  The -nofixdate startup parameter can be used to disable
   this change if required.

   The -nofixdate parameter resolves the memory violation problem
   with the code:
     MESSAGE "Enter date" UPDATE v-date.

   Date: 24 Nov 1998
   From: (Matt Gilarde)
   Subject: Re: Update date field on message line

   The MESSAGE UPDATE bug has been fixed in a recent 8.3A patch.
   There should be no need to use -nofixdate once you have the patch.

   Matt Gilarde - PSC Development

8.3A as of Aug 05 1998
8.3A    -noshm          No Shared Memory on Server. Obsolete.
  Starts a single server for a database rather than a broker.
  The clients can connect to a database only using the -H, -S parameters.
  In V8.3/9.0 the connection ends with the errors:
  The server or the system has no more resources. Try a larger -n. (748)
  ** Server rejected login. (700)

8.3A +  -bistall        BI File Threshold Stall
8.3A +  -bithold        Recovery Log Threshold. The value is rounded down to
                        the nearest cluster (Britt Johnston)
                        Before Image Threshold must be at least 3MB.
                        Starting in V9 the upper limit of -bithold:
                          4GB * (biblocksize / 1k)

8.3A +  -indexbase      Index Base
8.3A +  -indexlimit     Index Limit
8.3A +  -tablebase      Table Base
8.3A +  -tablelimit     Table Limit
8.3A +  -semsets        Semaphore Sets
 (-semsets is not a valid argument on NT/Windows.  It is being ignored.)
8.3A +  -p21            Prophet 21 for C-ISAM Dataserver. Obsolete in V9.0A
8.3A +  -rbfilenodel    Don't delete p#####RB.TXT file (V8.3B readme.wri)
8.3A +  -rbexpjoins     Forces RB to use explicit join syntax for inner
                        joins (readme.wri)
8.3A +  -rbclearxactions Pkb # 17016: When printing or previewing a
                        new transaction is started. This new transaction will
                        not end unless a new startup parameter is used. This
                        new parameter is -rbclearxactions and should be specified
                        on the command line where Report Builder is started
                        or in the file.
8.3A +  -rbzsqldump     This will create a log file c:\foo\sql.log which contains
                        all of the ESQL generated by Report Builder for a
                        report. The directory c:\foo must exist before Report
                        Builder is run with this parameter. This is also
                        intended for internal testing only.
                        (Angela Albert from PSC Tech Support)
8.3A +  -rbcltoolong    ?

8.3A04 as of Oct 19 1998
8.3A04 +  -rbtabledb    Specify which database contains the RBREPORT
   table (or whatever table is specified with the -rbtable parameter).
   Pkb 19145, V8.3B readme.wri.
8.3A04 +  -portableframes  Portable Frames

    Portableframes was an attempt to make for portable r-code across
   operating/windowing systems.  If you have shared frames and compile
   your code on different platforms (a.p compiled on machine1, b.p compiled
   on machine2), and you don't use -portableframes, you will have errors*).
   There is another error if you do use the option under 8.3B.

   Glen West (
   *) Bug 98-09-15-066:
      Shared frame layouts do not match for frame <frame-name>. (683)

8.3B as of Jan 29 1999
8.3B    -maxport        Applied to Application Broker (not in V8.2 - pkb 18382)
8.3B    -minport        Applied to Application Broker
8.3B +  -apsvnap        ?  Obsolete in V9.0A
8.3B +  -devevent       ?  Obsolete in V9.0A, re-added in V9.0B

From: "Resperger Josef" <>
To: <>
Date: Dec 18, 2000

Starting with Release 9.1 there is a significant
change in the behaviour of "return no-apply" which is not the same on every
machen and it seems to be different between runtime and development version.
We have been running into that.
They suggested that we use the -devent Startup Parameter (not documented)
and this helped!

8.3B +  -rereadnolock   Re-read No-Lock (pkb 19063)

    Patches 8.3B07 and 9.0B04 fix the bugs (issue# 19990408-006,
    19990617-017) caused by the -rereadnolock parameter when you use
    a browser.

8.3B12 (AIX), 8.3B14 (Win32)
8.3B + -Msc           Allows correct messaging between OID and small client.
 Issue #19980706-005: -Mm 16000 will core or GPF when using SQL select statements.

8.3B +  -noshvarfix     ? Exist in V9.1A as well

Pkb #20235, Definition of the -noshvarfix parameter

In version 7 progress never instantiated any defined shared variables
that were not referenced in the program. For example, if you defined
20 shared variables and only assign 3 of them, Progress would only
have instantiated those 3. Now in Version 8 because of bug
19950124-041 there is certain circumstances when we need all the
shared variables instantiated such as Persistent Procedures. Because
of this issue the fix was made to instantiate all variables whether
they are assigned or not. Even though this fixed the persistent
procedure problem it created another problem.

Because we now instantiate all variables, we began to receive
performance complaints from customers trying to upgrade from V7 to V8.
Their programs were taking longer to run in V8 than in V7 because of
the instantiation of all variables. So we created the fix for this bug

A patch was created for 8.3B that added a client startup parameter
-noshvarfix to 'turn off' fix for 19950124-041.

8.3B2X +  -tgb            Proutil -tgb -C dump
  The tag -tgb splits the .bd file when it reaches 2000000000 bytes.
  (thanks to Stefan Marquardt).
    Issue #19991116-034
  Alpha OSF creates binary dumps larger than the 2 GIG limit. This makes porting
  the dumped file to a "smaller" platform impossible.

8.3C +  -Moi <Bytes>                            [OID/OIB Startup parameter]

         Set max size of the messages that OID can send to a SQL89 client.
         Use the CLSDMSG environment variable to set a size of
         the client's messages. 

8.3C01 (Compaq Tru64), 8.3C03 (Sun Solaris) as May 04 2000
8.3C +  -noinactiveidx  Prevent the compiler selecting inactive indexes.
   Issue # 20000405-004
   Pkb 19825: Starting a client session with this parameter will force
   the compiler to only select active indexes when compiling source code.
   This removes the need for an index to be deleted from the database when
   trying to control the indexes that are selected by the compiler.

8.3D as of Jan 08 2001
8.3D +  -fixcurtable    ?
8.3D +  -wrttries <n>   WebSpeed Agent Retries (see V9.1B below)
8.3D +  -wrttrypause    WebSpeed Agent Try Pause (see V9.1B below)

8.3D04 +  -nocore       The -nocore option will allow for no core files to be created Vol 3, Ed 3
  08-33023 System Hangs with Core Files in NFS Drive
  If a core file is created on an NFS drive, you might find that the system hangs and
  does not allow any other user or process to access the NFS drive. These core files
  are large and can take more than three minutes to write.

8.3E as of Nov 15 2001
  -ojmode 1|2     OUTER-JOIN Mode
  -ossilentfix    Issue #20010712-007
                  When running probuild, you may receive an error such as: Unresolved: argossilentfix

  -PendConnTime   Pending client connection timeout

9.0A03 as of Mar 06 1999
9.0A    ACCESS=all      It's the default for all databases started with
                        ProControl and the AdminServer (Mike Furgal).

9.0A -  -apsvnap        Introduced in V8.3B
9.0A -  -devevent       Introduced in V8.3B, re-added in V9.0B
9.0A -  -p21            Introduced in V8.3A
9.0A -  -portableframes Introduced in V8.3A04

9.0A    -Nv             Network Version. Introduced in V6.2F.
 12 (for V5/V6 database) is the highest (and the only) number you can use.
 20 (for V7 database) is not supported. Pkb 18900

9.0A    -rptint         License Usage Reporting Interval
   RN#: 091B-00216
  Progress Explorer erroneously allows you to set the Reporting Interval
  property (-rptint) for database configurations. This property is not supported
  by the Progress V9 database.

9.0A    -a              After-Image File Name. The -a parameter is only
                        valid with rfutil -C roll forward.
9.0A    -g              Before-Image File Name is obsolete,
9.0A    -blocksize      Block Size (PROSTRCT BUILDDB Utility)

9.0A -  -indexbase      It's a first time when PSC renames the parameters!
9.0A -  -indexlimit     ... and lose a way in V9.1
9.0A -  -tablebase
9.0A -  -tablelimit

9.0A +  -baseindex      Index Base        Replace -indexbase
9.0A +  -indexrangesize Index Range Size  Replace -indexlimit
9.0A +  -basetable      Table Base        Replace -tablebase
9.0A +  -tablerangesize Table Range Size  Replace -tablelimit
9.0A +  -f              Location of AdminServerPlugins.dat (pkb #21080)
9.0A +  -port           Main AdminServer listening port, where all queries,
  and start/stop requests are sent.  By default, this is port 20931.
9.0A +  -adminport      Used by databases to communicate with the AdminServer
 (together with -servergroup). By default, this is port 7832. Pkb #19360
 V9.1 doc says that -adminport was introduced in V9.0B.
9.0A +  -AppService     Application Service Name
9.0A +  -Bp             Private Read-only Buffers

9.0A +  -classpath      SQL-92 Server Java Classpath
9.0A +  -DataService    Data Service. Connect a client through
 a NameServer to the broker. See also the -nonameserver parameter.

9.0A +  -debugalert     Sets SESSION:DEBUG-ALERT to YES. Documented in V9.1.
9.0A +  -list           Obtaining Storage Area Descriptions Using PROREST
9.0A +  -m5             ?
9.0A +  -nonameserver   The same as -DataService "none". .
  ReadEng.hlp: For diagnostic purposes only, it is acceptable
 to bypass the NameServer connection and connect directly to the
 broker instance. To do this, specify the reserved DataService
 name "none" as follows: -DataService none

9.0A +  -omsize         Storage Object Cache Size (msg 8527)
9.0A +  -profile        Profiler Config File (enhanced -zprofile).
                        See %DLC%\src\samples\profiler\readme.doc
9.0A +  -properties     (Copy of) Configuration Properties File (
  Used by *config utilities to validate the copy of Configuration Properties File.
  Ignored by proadsv. Check -propertyfile introduced in V9.1.
9.0A +  -relative       Suppresses conversion of a Relative Path Database
   with a procopy/prorest. By default, new database'll have the full paths
   embedded. Note: prodb = procopy -silent -relative.

9.0A +  -servergroup    Server Group Name
   No Stored Procedures if DB Started Using Progress Explorer
   RN#: 091A-00533
  On Windows NT, if the Database is started from Progress Explorer, it is
  impossible to create or execute a stored procedure. The stored procedure can
  be created if the Databases have been started from the NT command line.
  Starting the Broker from the command line using the -servergroup and
  -adminport arguments will allow the Broker to be managed by the AdminServer.
  Use the db, configuration, and servergroup names that were created with
  the Progress Explorer, and the default value of 7832 for -adminport.

    proserve -servergroup mydb.myconfig.myservergroup -adminport 7832

9.0A +  -svrefresh      ?
9.0A +  -svub           Indicates using unified broker service

 ReadEng.hlp -> Index ->
  3.6.1 Configuring in the Explorer Framework on NT
  8. To continue configuring the broker, choose the Server Parameters tab
 and provide the required information:

 Server Parameters - The -svub parameter is required for a broker
                     connection in the Progress Explorer framework.

  4.2.5 Starting the DataServer in the Explorer Framework and
  Connecting a Client

 If you do not set the required -Dsrv SVUB,1 and optional -DataService
 data-service connection parameters as described in this section, the
 client is assumed to be configured for a standard Progress broker and
 the -H and -S parameters are used to locate a probrkr executable on the
 appropriate host machine. By setting the SVUB parameter on, you redirect
 the -H and -S parameters to locate the appropriate NameServer and/or
 broker for the Progress Explorer on the host machine.

9.0A +  -ubpid          UBroker PID no. needed by agents at startup
9.0A +  -ubpropfile     UBroker properties file name (ie.
9.0A +  -Wb <name>      ?
9.0A +  -wss            Windows Single Session
9.0A +  -wtainstance    Web Agent instance number, needed when starting agent
9.0A +  -wtbname        WebSpeed Broker Name as specified on broker's
 startup with the -i parameter. Used to start a WebSpeed Agent or to pass
 back to the name server.
9.0A +  -yr4def         Date Default Format with Four Digit Years (pkb 18505)
9.0A +  -z92            ?
9.0A +  -zallowdlc      Allowes to connect (at command line only) to a database
 in $DLC. Otherwise you'll get the message 1379.

9.0B as of May 08 1999
9.0B +  -devevent       ?  Exist from V8.3B, deleted in 9.0A
9.0B    -basetable      Default is now set to 1.
9.0B    -tablerangesize Default is now set to 50.
9.0B    -baseindex      Default is now set to 1.
9.0B    -indexrangesize Default is now set to 50.
  At run time, you can change the table base or the index base:
 e.g. find first _StatBase. assign _TableBase=51 _IndexBase=21.

9.0B02-9.0B15 (9.0B11 as of Sep 15 1999 - for Win32)
9.0B +  -nolkctr

  Issue # 19990910-030:  To alleviate the problem of a large number of
 error 395's (warning - pcondb for db <DbName>%s has lkctr <number>%d)
 being written to AppServer log file, introduce a startup parameter
 to turn off error 395.

9.1A02 as of March 22, 2000
9.1A -  -baseindex      V9.1 drops the V9.0 set of parameters and re-introduced the V8.3 set.
9.1A -  -basetable      Bug number 20000523-004

9.1A ?  -indexrangesize V9.1 drops them on Windows and still support on Unix
9.1A ?  -tablerangesize
9.1A +  -indexlimit
9.1A +  -tablelimit

9.1A +  -addcomp        Add Components (setup.exe)
9.1A +  -indexbase      V9.1 re-introduced the V8.3 set of parameters.
9.1A +  -tablebase      See note above.

9.1A +  -propertyfile   Configuration Properties File (
  Used by proadsv. The *config utilities still use the -properties parameter.
9.1A +  -asyncinterval  ?
9.1A +  -asyncqueuesize Async Queue Size (AppServer's client).
9.1A +  -C              Used with SQLDUMP / SQLLOAD utilities to specify the code page
                        of the dump file / the database utility.
9.1A +  -extents        PROSTRCT UNLOCK utility. Replaces missing extents with empty
                        extents if any database files are missing.
9.1A +  -isnoconv       Initial Value Segment No Convert. (Compile-Time)
    Each initial value or :U string that contain non-ASCII characters
  add 8 bytes to a r-code action segment if the r-code was compiled
  without the -isnoconv parameter. The strings with the same length but
  with ASCII characters only produce an action segment as if the r-code
  was compiled with the -isnoconv parameter.
    RN#: 091A-00121
  INIT strings and :U strings are codepage converted if they contain
  non-ASCII characters. It is possible that compiling existing code
  may result in larger r-code segments and compilation may fail due to
  exceeding segment limits. There will be no change if the strings are
  all ASCII.

  To turn off the new behavior, a new command line option, "-isnoconv",
  standing for "Initial value Segment NO CONVERT", has been added.

9.1A +  -noshvarfix     Described in 8.3BXX section.
9.1A +  -numdec         Fractional Separator
9.1A +  -numsep         Thousands Separator
9.1A +  -ttwrdrul       Temp-table word-break rule (undocumented).
                        Default value is the default rules (0).
9.1A +  -wtbhostname    ?
9.1A +  -zgenkwlist     Generate keyword list. In DOS (important!) prompt run:
                        prowin32.exe -zgenkwlist > keywords.txt
                        (Thanks to Julian Lyndon-Smith and Simon L. Prinsloo)
9.1A +  -znnic          No Null in Index Components
  RN#: 091A-00677
  * For the DataServer for ODBC
    As of 9.1A, the DataServer for ODBC can perform data retrieval against
  any data source that allows nulls in a component that is used to identify
  an index. Prior to version 9.1A, the default behavior was to require that all
  components used to identify an index not be null. To restore this behavior you
  can use the -znnic startup parameter to start a Progress client or self
  service session.

  The -znnic startup parameter is not documented in Chapter 4 of the DataServer
  for ODBC Guide nor is it documented in the Startup Command and Parameter
  Reference or online help. It is described in the topic "Unknown Values and
  Sorts," in Section 2.2.3 of the DataServer for ODBC Guide.

  *  For the DataServer for SQL Server
     The DataServer for SQL Server can perform data retrieval against any data
  source that allows nulls in a component that is used to identify an index.

     The default behavior allows nulls in any component that is used to identify
  an index.  To switch the default behavior so that it requires that all
  components used to identify an index not be null, use the -znnic startup
  parameter to start a Progress client or self service session.

8.3C, 9.0B38, 9.1A16 and 9.1B
  -ojmode 1|2           OUTER-JOIN Mode
   -ojmode 1 - the inner join behavior predominated for the most part.
   -ojmode 2 - the outer join predominate (thus more records were included
               in the combination of outer/inner join than before).

9.1B as of August 17, 2000
9.1B   + -useOsLocale  Causes Progress to set the Date Format (-d), Fractional
  Separator (-numdec) and Thousands Separator (-numsep) attributes based on
  the current Windows locale settings.

9.1B +  -nohostverify   No Host Verification while connecting
                        to Web-enabled AppServers.
  When you are connecting to a SSL enabled AppServer, you will get
  an error during the authentication of the Server Certificate resulting in:
  "-55 error code: Connect HostName: does not match Certificate (9318)".
  To workaround this problem specify the -nohostverify option on the URL
  connect statement.

  In V9.1C -nohostverify does not work until patch #11

9.1B +  -noinactiveidx  Prevent the compiler selecting inactive indexes.
                         Pkb 19825

Two new startup parameters that allow a 4GL client to connect to
an AIA or AIA/S mediated AppServer through a local firewall.

9.1B +  -proxyhost     Proxy Host specifies the host name or IP address
                        of an HTTP-based proxy server
9.1B +  -proxyport     Proxy Port specifies the port on which
                        the HTTP-based proxy server is listening.

    RN#: 091B-00225
  A client started with the -proxyhost, -proxyport startup parameters (in order
  to use a proxy server) will fail to connect to a Secured Socket Layer (SSL)
  enabled web server.  Upon issuing the connect, the client will appear to hang
  and eventually will time-out with the following error message

  "Secure Socket Layer (SSL) failure. error code 5: SSL certificate handshake
  error (9318)".

9.1B +  -SS            Sort File Directory Specification
                        (proutil -C load build indexes)
9.1B +  -URL           Connect to AppServer using AIA.
  If the -URL connection parameter is specified, the -H, -S, and
  -AppService parameters are ignored. The -URL parameter allows you to
  specify AppServer connections using the following protocols: HTTP,
  HTTPS and AppServer.

9.1B   + -wrttries <n>  WebSpeed Agent Retries (?  Exists in V8.3D
9.1B   + -wrttrypause   WebSpeed Agent Try Pause (?)
  I guess both parameters are related to the kbase #21009
  WebWrite() error 6404
This error message indicates that a problem occurred in the
WebSpeed agent while attempt to send data to the WebSpeed
messenger, this could be caused by the messenger process
dying or a problem in the socket connection, when the agents
detects the write() , it retries to send the information just
to check if the problem was temporal, if the communication
"wakes up" again, then the message is delivered , if not then
you'll see a lot of messages about the retries in the log file
of the agents.

9.1B01 + -extravc      Revert to old value-changed behavior - if user selects
  currently selected browse row, value-changed trigger fires.
  Issue #20000922-033. Kbase 22047, New -extravc Startup Parameter

9.1B02 + -origbrowsel  Pkb #20899, New -origbrowsel Startup Parameter:
  In version 8, it was possible to make a multiple selection in a
  read-only browse by clicking on the rows.
  However in version 9, you have now to press the CTRL key in order to
  achieve it.

  Since the patch version 9.1B02, a new client startup parameter
  (-origbrowsel) has been added in order to ensure the version 8
  behaviour could still be used.

  Patch 9.1B02, Issue #20000625-007:
  A browse widget with multiple selection no longer allows
  the user to click a row with the mouse to select/deselect it. When the user
  does this the browse deselects all other rows and selects the row the user
  clicked on.

9.1BXX + -nocore The -nocore option will allow for no core files to be created Vol 3, Ed 3

9.1BXX   -zod    Compile-time parameter, Oracle DataServer (Pkb #20826, 20985)
  This will prevent the DataServer client from adding unique_id_0 to the
  ORDER BY when the ordering is due to a USE-INDEX or the index is
  chosen by the 4GL compiler.  This has the potential of producing
  unexpected results if the value is not unique in the table.

  The -zod session parameter will suppress the entire ORDER BY clause
  a join that would not otherwise be ordered at compile time.

9.1B1X + -PendConnTime   Pending client connection timeout
  Issue #20010329-003 - IPQoS scan breaks Broker load balancing.
    Msg 10357:
  It indicates the maximum time in seconds the broker will wait for a remote (-S)
  client to connect to the server it was assigned, before it will release the resources
  being reserved for the client.
    Pkb #20905, -PendConnTime parameter for Database Server

9.1C as of June, 2001
9.1C   + -Bpmax         Maximum private buffers per user
  It indicates the per user maxumum number of private read-only database buffers
  currently configured for use by the database broker.
9.1C   + -expandbrow    Sets the FIT-LAST-COLUMN attribute to TRUE for each browse
  in that session. Is overridden by NO-EMPTY-SPACE attribute for an individual browse.
9.1C   + -fixcurtable <n>  ?
9.1C   + -maxxids       Size of global transaction table (Database Broker)
  Since maxxids must be a multiple of 64, it may be different than what was specified
  on the command line.
  Exchange Identifier (XID) is an eight digit number which usually begins 05D, and identifies
  the Physical Unit associated with the control point.

9.1C   + -nozgrouping                    [Client Session startup parameter]

          Stops all windows in a PROGRESS session being brought to
          the front when focus is given to a window.  This was to allow
          you to keep lots of windows open, whilst still being ableto see
          your internet, market data, excel data etc.

9.1C   + -opaque 0|1   The value of 0 turn the option off and 1 turns it on.
                       The default value is 1 (ON).

  <Pedro Martinez>
    About -opaque was introduced because of the problems with VALID-HANDLE Function
    over WinY2K causing troubles with the handles (see Kbase 20363).

    Now the -opaque has been introduced for forcing always progress to returns you
    a handle number generated by progress, not by the OS.

    So the parameter is only needed if you think there is a bug caused by
    having it on.  In that case you can turn it off and see if the bug goes
    away.  Of course, if turning it off fixes the bug, it still does not
    tell us much since memory is arranged differently with and without the

    You can tell if opaque handles are in use in a session by creating an
    object and looking at its handle:

      MESSAGE H.

    If h is a small number like 1001 or 1002 etc., then it is an opaque
    handle and not a direct memory address.


    20363, VALID-HANDLE, Persistent Procedures, UNIQUE-ID and Win 2000
    16355, Problems with Persistent Procedures and Valid-Handle.
    15673, PROCEDURE : UNIQUE-ID attribute is unique value for session
  <Pedro Martinez>

    RN#: 091C-00239, Widget handles recycled on Windows
    You cannot use n = 0 on 64-bit machines where only opaque handles are 

9.1C   + -prowcapp      WebClient Application (.prowcapp) file.
9.1C   + -zdlc          Webclient installation directory (prowc.exe - Webclient Initializer)

  Pkb #20814, Webclient : unable to open message file: PROMSGS

  Pkb #20498, Webclient application does not start

  The format of the command line used to start the Webclient application is:
  [StartupParameters from your Prowcapp file]
  [Additional Parameters from the Webclient Application Manager]
  -zdlc "<Application directory>"

9.1C   + -zwclog        WebClient log file?

9.1C     -debugalert    Now supported in batch mode, WebSpeed Agents, and AppServers
  If developers run a non-interactive client with the -debugalert parameter, they can see
  the Progress 4GL-stack trace for the current Progress session in the procore file.

9.1C08 as of 2001/09/21

9.1C0X +  -ossilentfix  ?
       <Issue #20010712-007>
         When running probuild, you may receive an error such as:
          Unresolved: argossilentfix
       </Issue #20010712-007>

9.1C0X + -baseADE <directory>  Allows developers to specify the location
                               of ADE r-code.
       <Issue #20010906-024>
         Progress will add this directory and all of the .pl's in that
         directory to PROPATH at startup INSTEAD of adding %DLC%/gui(tty)
         and the .pl's from %DLC%/gui(tty).
       </Issue #20010906-024>

9.1C0X + -noutf8warning  Startup param to disable utf-8 warning.
  Issue #20010919-036

9.1C1X + -AdminMsgTimeout Specifies the time in seconds the broker will wait
                          for a response after sending the adminserver
                          a connection request message.

       <Issue #20011206-001>
         The existing 10 second timeout will be the default and only values
         in the range of 10 to 900 seconds can be specified. Useful when
         autostarting up a lot (20+) of databases from the AdminServer.
       </Issue #20011206-001>

9.1C1X + -browcoltype  If specified, browse-column type returns "BROWSE-COLUMN"
                       else it returns "FILL-IN". Issue #20011220-015

9.1C1X +  -lbimod [0|1|2]                [Client Session startup parameter]

           Use the "-lbimod n" startup parameter to keep the dbimage up to
           date with the lbi file.  
           0 just the same as before 
           1 fixes bug 20010625-003 
           2 fixes both 20010625-003 and 20011106-008 
           Please note that each increased value is more restrictive then
           the previous value.  
           A PROBLEM 

       <Libor Laubacher>
         We keep pointers into the lbi file in memory, in the record buffers
         whose records have been written to the lbi file.  If you update
         the same record multiple times, you do not want multiple copies
         of it going into the lbi file.  So if the record has already been
         written once during the current accept/reject unit (DO, REPEAT etc.
         block), then an lbi note referring the the earlier image is used,
         instead of the an lib note with the entire record.

         The bugs that came up had to do with nulling those pointers into
         the lbi file.  The pointers were being nulled a little too late
         in some cases.  This left the in-memory pointers pointing into
         the lbi file to a place that had already been either committed
         or rejected, and thus to garbage.  Also, sometimes the pointers
         would simply be out-of-date, pointing at the wrong image.

           -lbimod 1

         makes us go back over all the in-memory buffers and null out any
         pointers that point beyond the new endpoint of the lbi file whenever
         we reset the lbi endpoint to some position earlier than what it was
         -- e.g. after a commit or reject, to prevent any possible pointing
         into garbage.

           -lbimod 2

         makes us reset a given buffer's in-memory lbi pointer to the latest
         version of a change whenever we before-image an update, so it can't
         end up pointing at some earlier update.  And of course, -lbimod 2
         includes the functionality of -lbimod 1  (-lbimod 2 is a superset
         of -lbimod 1).

         Setting to 2 is "stronger" than 1 (if set to 1 didnot help).
       </Libor Laubacher>

        P4133, "omIDToarea called with 0 Objectnumber" error occurs in Data
        P8598, Memory Violations occurs with "omIDToarea called
               with 0 objectNumber"

9.1D as of May  8, 2002

9.1D    -pwqdelay <milliseconds>        [Database Broker startup parameter]

         Determines how often the APW queue is checked, in milliseconds.
         The default is 100 milliseconds.

       <Gus Bjorklund>
         The gist of what we did was to change the clock rate which governs
         the apws cycle of sleeping and writing dirty blocks from the
         checkpoint queue. Before, it was measured in multiples of seconds.
         Now it is in 100 ms cycles.

         You can use -pwqdelay to make the cycle time shorter if necessary.
         I have no evidence at this time to indicate it should be smaller.
       </Gus Bjorklund>

9.1D    -URL AppServerDC:{//host[:port]} [AppServer basic connection param]

        An HTTP or HTTPS-based URL to an AIA, or an AppServer-based URL to
        an AppServer that you connect to directly or through a NameServer.

9.1D +  -admingroup group[:group...]        [AdminServer startup parameter]

         Authorization with the AdminServer. To perform AdminServer
         functions, the user has to be a valid account in one of the groups.

9.1D +  -clientlog <file-name>                   [Client Session parameter]

         Name of log file used for messages and 4GL stack trace
         information (-debugalert).

       <Pedro Martinez>
         All error messages and messages that would normally appear in an
         alert box will also be written to the specified file. In addition
         to the message, some additional information, including time-stamp
         and process id will be written in the log. On connect and disconnect
         from a DB, an entry will appear in the client log file identifying
         the DB and UserID (For multi-user connections). This information
         can be used to relate log messages with DB log messages.
       </Pedro Martinez>

         P45054, What does the -clientlog parameter accomplish?
         P5706, -clientlog parameter has no effect

9.1D +  -DBService [replagent | replserv]   [Database Broker startup param]

        Pre-register a DB Service.

       <Msg 10545>
         When the database server was started one or more database services
         were started as well (-DBService service).  Connections to this
         database will not be allowed until all of these service have
         completed their startup and initialization work.
       </Msg 10545>

         E.g. -DBService replagent instructs the broker to start
         the Fathom Replication agent.

9.1D +  -DirectConnect              [AppServer basic connection parameters]

         If specified, the -H and -S parameters are interpreted as
         the network address and TCP/IP port number of an AppServer
         connection. Otherwise, the -H and -S parameters are interpreted
         as the network address and UDP port number of a NameServer.

9.1D +  -ERO                            [Database Broker startup parameter]

         Enhanced Read-Only mode.  If a database is started in enhanced
         ready-only mode the clients cannot updates the database.

9.1D +  -filterocxevents                         [Client Session parameter] 

         Filtering Asynchronous COM Events.
         By default, asynchronous COM events are handled when any of
         the following conditions occur:

         1. While an application is waiting for user input, such as during
            a WAIT–FOR or UPDATE statement.
         2. While an alert box from a MESSAGE statement is on the screen.
         3. During trigger processing, if the MultitaskingInterval parameter
            is set to a number greater than 0.

         Handling COM events during the second and third conditions might
         cause random problems in your application, depending on what 4GL
         code is executed in the event trigger. You use the –filterocxevents
         startup parameter to prevent asynchronous COM events from being
         handled during the second and third conditions.

9.1D +  -icfparam <string>                       [Client Session parameter] 

         Dynamics Parameter. You can access this string using
         SESSION:ICFPARAMETER attribute.

9.1D +  -logappend [0|1]                         [Client Session parameter]

         Specifies if a new log file should be created even if the file
         specified by -clientlog exists, or if the log entries should be
         appended to the log file.

         Possible values: 0 - create new broker log file
                          1 - append to the existing log file
         Default: 0

9.1D +  -logentrytypes [0-2]                     [Client Session parameter]

         Specifies the type of information recorded when performing
         diagnostic logging.

         This property should be set to 0 unless directed by PSC TS.
         Possible values: 2 - 4GL Tracing
         The parameter is changed in V10.

         Starting in 9.1D01 (and later Service Packs) and 9.1E there is
         a new diagnostic feature that will record the execution of
         the following 4GL statements in a log file:
           * RUN
           * User-defined FUNCTIONS
           * PUBLISH
           * SUBSCRIBE

         The 4GL Tracing is enabled when the logginglevel parameter is set
         to 4, and the logentrytypes parameter is set to 2.
         To set these parameters:

         Specify the startup parameters -logginglevel 4 -logentrytypes 2,
         for GUI / TTY clients. For example:

           prowin32.exe -clientlog mylog.lg -logginglevel 4 -logentrytypes 2

         or set srvrLoggingLevel to 4 and srvrLogEntries to 2 in the file, for AppServer and / or WebSpeed instances.
         For example:


9.1D +  -logginglevel [0-4]                      [Client Session parameter]

         Specifies the amount of information to be written to
         the -clientlog file.
         Possible values: 0 - None
                          1 - Error only
                          2 - Basic (Terse)
                          3 - Verbose
                          4 - Extended (Diagnostic)

         In V10 you can read/set the value using LOG-MANAGER:LOGGING-LEVEL

9.1D +  -logthreshold <Bytes>                    [Client Session parameter]

         Use Log Threshold (-logthreshold) to specify the file size
         threshold of log files. When the current log file becomes equal to
         or greater than the specified size, OpenEdge renames and saves
         the log file and creates a new log file.

         0 — This means there is no limit other than what the operating
             system imposes.

         Value range: 0 or between 500000 and 2147483647 (bytes).
         Default value: 0

         The logThreshold property is not used in V9.1D.  The value should
         always be set to 0.

         In V10 you can access the value using LOG-MANAGER:LOG-THRESHOLD
         Also see the -numlogfiles parameter in V10.

9.1D +  -md5mode 1|2                           [Compiler Session parameter]

         The implementation of the MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm used by
         Progress Software Corporation in certain of its products is
         derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc.

         Generate-MD5 Compile Option Will Generate a Different Value
         Between 9.1C and Later Versions for the Same Code

         RN#: 091D-00296
         When you use the compiler option GENERATE-MD5=yes in 9.1C, the MD5
         value generated was based solely on the expanded source code being
         compiled (i.e., the .p or .w file including all the include files).
         Starting in 9.1D the MD5 hash value will take other things into
         account, such as the schema of temp-tables or temp-table fields
         that are defined LIKE a database table or its fields.  Therefore,
         if you upgrade from 9.1C, even if you do not modify your source
         code, but you do recompile with GENERATE-MD5=yes, the MD5 value for
         each file will change.  Since the Application Assembler bases its
         decision of whether to include a .r in an update .CAB on whether
         the MD5 value has changed, it will determine that all recompiled
         .r code has been modified.  Thus all such .r code will be re-deployed
         to your WebClient end-users with your next application version.

         You can avoid having this happen by running Progress with the
         following new startup parameter when it is run to compile your
         application code:

           -md5mode 1

         This will cause the compilation to revert to the 9.1C algorithm
         and only take the source into account when generating the MD5 hash
         value. However, it is recommended that at some point you accept
         the default behavior so that you are guaranteed that schema changes
         that affect your .r's will cause re-deployment of those .r's.
         Specifying -md5mode 2 will give you the new behavior.  Since this
         is the default, there is no need to use the startup parameter at all
         to get the new behavior.

         You can access the MD5 value stored in an r-code file
         using RCODE-INFO:MD5-VALUE attribute

9.1D +  -nochkttnames                            [Client Session parameter]

         No Check Temp-table Names.
         Use the No Check Temp-Table Names (-nochkttnames) parameter to
         suppress the limited checking of temp-table column names when
         passing temp-table as parameters to procedures.

9.1D +  -pi [replserv | replagent] 
         Enables database for site replication.

         Msg 10519, 10356:
         You must first used the proutil command to enable site replication:
         proutil <dbname> -C enablesitereplication [source | target]

9.1D +  -pica <size>    Allocates storage for the IPC queue between ROCKET
                        and replication.  The larger space the less time
                        the ROCKET will spend waiting for Replication.
                        Default value: 4

9.1D +  -pids <size>    Allocates additional resources for DB Service manager.
                        The DB Service  cannot be started at this time.  (9871)

9.1D +  -pinshm                         [Database Broker startup parameter]

         Pin Shared Memory will prevent the database engine from swapping
         shared memory contents to disk.

       <Gus Bjorklund>
         Using this parameter will cause the database manager to create
         shared-memory segments that cannot be paged out. They are "pinned"
         in memory.

         Note that on Solaris, since version 8, we have been using a shared
         memory option called "initmate shared memory" or ISM, in addition
         to changing how TLB registers are used for shared memory, also has
         this same effect, so -pinshm is not required on Solaris.

         I initially wanted it to be the default, but eventually decided
         against it because:

         1. One Solaris system we tried it on crashed unless you had
            an os patch. And you don't need it on Solaris anyway. But maybe
            there are other systems that also need patches. I don't know of
            any and we didn't run across any during testing -- but we can't
            test every version of every os with and without all the patches.

         2. If you have an existing installation where shared memory /is/
            being paged, and you have a many databases on the same machine,
            it could cause the application processes to be paged even more,
            and might make things worse. Figuring out what is going on would
            be /very/ difficult. While I think this is unlikely to happen,
            there are so many different environments and configurations out
            there that we decided off was a better choice.

         HOWEVER: The risk of bad side effects is small, and I still think
                  it is a good idea to turn it on.  It is a good preventive

         Paging shared memory i/o buffers is a horrible thing: if you are
         reading something from the database into memory, having to read
         the buffer from the pagefile first is a complete waste of time
         and disk I/o.  Similarly, having to read a chunk in from the
         pagefile in order to write it to the database is not good.
         Paging almost anyhting else is almost always better.
       </Gus Bjorklund>

9.1D +  -pmpf                                                     [Unknown]

         A wild guess: Plugin Manager Property File (

9.1D +  -proxyUserid <user-id>                   [Client Session parameter]

         User-id used to authenticate an AppServer client to the HTTP-based
         proxy server.
         The value can be accessed using SESSION:PROXY-USERID attribute.  

9.1D +  -proxyPassword <password>                [Client Session parameter]

         Password used to authenticate the AppServer client to
         the HTTP-based Proxy server.
         The value can be accessed using SESSION:PROXY-PASSWORD attribute.  

9.1D +  -qsize <backlog>                      [Socket connection parameter]

         The length of the pending-connection queue — that is, the maximum
         number of connection requests you want the server to queue while
         it processes the connections already accepted. If the queue is
         full when a connection request is received, it is refused.
         The default length of the queue depends on the platform.

9.1D +  -ServerType [4GL|SQL|Both]                 [Login Broker parameter]

         Type of Server to Start.

         There is ServerType in but it does not
         restrict access to broker when defined in Progress Explorer.
         Bug #20020920-010 fixed in V9.1D07.

         P24369, What does -ServerType parameter do ?
         P7843, How to configure a secondary SQL92 Broker for Progress 9.1D

9.1D +  -SQLCursors <n>                      [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         SQL Server Max Open Cursors.
         -SQLCursors requires 9.1D06 or higher.
         Instead use OPEN_CURSORS environment variable.
         Value range: 16 - 512. Default value: 50.

         See 9.1D06 for details.

9.1D +  -SQLMa <n>                           [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Maximum SQL Clients Per Server (msg 10020).
         The default is the maximum number of users (-n) divided by
         the maximum number of servers (-Mn).

9.1D +  -SQLMi <n>                           [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Minimum SQL Clients Per Server (msg 10021)
         Default is 1.

9.1D +  -SQLStack <KBytes>                   [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Documentation refers it as the -SQLStackSize parameter.
         Size of SQL-92 Stack that is an internal memory area used by
         SQL program modules and allocated to each thread.

         Value range: 1000 - 2000. Default value: 1000 (KBytes).

         Increase if O/S complains of using too much stack
         Settings can cause unnecessary paging if set too high.

         The value can be set as PROGRESS_STACK_MIN environment variable.

9.1D +  -SQLStmtCache <# of statements>      [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Documentation refers it as -SQLStmtCacheSize.
         The number of prepared statements to be stored in SQL Stmnt Cache.
         -SQLStmtCache requires 9.1D06 or higher (solution P24543).
         Instead use CACHED_STATEMENTS environment variable.
         Value range: 16 - 1024. Default value: 100 (statements).

         See 9.1D06 for details.

9.1D +  -SQLTempStoreBuff <KBytes>           [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Size of SQL Server temp table buffer.
         In V9.1D06 it's replaced by the -SQLTempBuff parameter.
         Instead use TPE_MM_CACHESIZE environment variable.
         Value range: 100 - 200000. Default value: 1000 (KBytes).

9.1D +  -SQLTempStoreDisk <KBytes>           [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Size of SQL Server temp table disk storage.
         In V9.1D06 it's replaced by the -SQLTempDisk parameter.
         Instead use TPE_MM_SWAPSIZE environment variable.
         Value range: 5000 - 100000000. Default value: 500000 (KBytes).

9.1D +  -SQLTempStorePageSize <KBytes>       [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

         Size of SQL Server temp table data page.
         In V9.1D06 it's replaced by the -SQLTempPgSize parameter.         
         Instead use TPE_MM_BLOCKSIZE environment variable.
         Value range: 4 - 256. Default value: 7

9.1D +  -zdbo 6311                                    [Rollforward Utility]

         Allows the updates of a replication target with proutil & rfutil.

9.1D01 as of Aug, 2002

9.1D01 + -ASK                                                     [Unknown]
9.1D01 + -NOREPL                                                  [Unknown]
9.1D01 + -REPL                                                    [Unknown]

These changes add a latent support for site replication.

9.1D02 as of Oct 27 2002

9.1D02 + -socketAddr  (Removed in the next Service Packs)

9.1D03 as of Dec  4 2002
Solution P34002:
9.1D03 was a re-packaging of the 9.1D02 Service Pack.
There are no new bug fixes.

9.1D04 as of Dec 20, 2002
It's a full commercial re-release for Sun Solaris 64-bit

9.1D05 as of Feb 12 2003

9.1D05 +  -noautoreslist                         [Client Session parameter]

         <Issue #20021115-010>
           A static or dynamic query causes the SRT file to grow until all
           rowids are stored. When the query is closed, the space is freed.
           This is necessary for scolling queries, but can be avoided for
           non-scrolling ones. To avoid the use of the SRT file for
           non-scrolling queries, use the startup option -noautoreslist,
           or use the new query attribute FORWARD-ONLY. You will then get
           errors for PREV and LAST and REPOSITION etc.
         <Issue #20021115-010>

           Also check solution P18639:
           How can I reduce the size of the .SRT file in Progress?

9.1D05 +  -oldDebugger                           [Client Session parameter]

         <Solution P21544>
           With the Service Pack 5, Progress includes a new debugger for
           the Win32 platform, this debugger is based in Java and requires
           some Java components to be correctly installed and configured,
           if you want to use the old debugger you still can start
           the Progress session using the -oldDebugger parameter,
           this debugger does not work in UNIX.
         </Solution P21544>

9.1D06 as of May 16 2003

In order to better manage Progress SQL-92 temp table resources,
Progress 9.1D06 introduced new startup parameters. 

<Issue #20020812-011>
  Following are new startup parameters for SQL-92:
  -SQLCursors -SQLTempBuff -SQLTempDisk -SQLTempPgSize
</Issue #20020812-011>

P23229, What are the new SQL parameters for Progress 9.1D?
P37596, Where to place the -SQLStack, -SQLStmtCache, and -SQLCursor

Exchange 2003 Presentation:
BP1490: OpenEdge SQL92 Performance Tips

RN#: 100A-10179 in V10 README.PRO
Temp table startup parameters

9.1D06   -SQLCursors <n>                     [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

          SQL Server Max Open Cursors sets the maximum number of cursors
          per thread.

          Value range: 16 - 512. Default value: 50.

          Although this takes up some memory, it has very little overhead
          as the memory associated with the cursor information is freed
          when the cursor is closed or the transaction ends. 
          Increase if -20125 error encountered.

          The value can be set as OPEN_CURSORS environment variable.

          P31698, Error 7612 and new 9.1D -SQLCursors parameter

9.1D06   -SQLStmtCache <# of statements>      [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

          Documentation refers it as -SQLStmtCacheSize.
          The number of prepared statements to be stored in SQL Statement
          Cache per connection. It's not shared among connections.
          -SQLStmtCache requires 9.1D06 or higher (solution P24543):
          Bug #20030108-006, the Mgr for Prepared statements has a small
          buffer limited to 100 prepared statements (solution P24528).

          Value range: 16 - 1024. Default value: 100 (statements).

          Large performance benefit. The overhead here is that the size of
          the cache grows but never shrinks. It can consume a great deal of
          memory depending on the statement due to it maintaining
          the execution tree information

          Update if the number of concurrent prepared statements > 100.
          Increase if error -210048 encountered

          The value can be set as CACHED_STATEMENTS environment variable.

          P25743, Is the limit of 1000 statements defined by CACHED_STATEMENTS
          P25760: How to test CACHED_STATEMENTS or -SQLStmtCache startup
                  parameter from JDBC programs?
          P22575: SQL clients recieve The SQL engine Statement Manager
                  statement cache overflowed
          P26935: Error 9799 when creating repeatedly more than 100 records
                  within a Table that is having lvarbinary Datatype
                  (Bug #20030612-003)

9.1D06 + -SQLTempBuff <KBytes>               [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

          Size of SQL Server temp table buffer (in memory cache).
          It replace the -SQLTempStoreBuff parameter.

          Value range: 100 - 200000. Default value: 1000 (KBytes).

          The value can be set as TPE_MM_CACHESIZE environment variable.

        <Msg 10029>
          There is 1 SQL temp table buffer for each connection to the
          database. The buffer holds temp table data pages in memory.
          The buffer is shared as needed across the sql statements in
          a transaction. By default, its size is 1000 1K byte units,
          for 10**6 bytes. As the buffer is made larger, more temp table
          data can remain in memory, rather than going to disk. A buffer
          which is too large can diminish the memory available to other
          server uses, or cause higher paging rates.
        </Msg 10029>

          SQL92 server uses a separate cache per each connection
          to the database (they are not shared among connections). 
          Large values avoid paging to disk
          Increase if "no cache block" (-16003, -16005) error

9.1D06 + -SQLTempDisk <KBytes>               [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

          Size of SQL Server temp table disk storage (disk swap space).
          It replaces the -SQLTempStoreDisk parameter.

          Value range: 5000 - 100000000. Default value: 500000 (KBytes).

          The value can be set as TPE_MM_SWAPSIZE environment variable.

        <Msg 10030>
          There is 1 SQL temp table backing store (temp file) for each
          connection to the database. The backing store holds temp table
          data pages. There is 1 on-disk backing store page for every
          data page. The backing store is shared as needed across the sql
          statements in a transaction. By default, its size is 500000 1K
          byte units, for 500*10**6 bytes. This size controls the maximum
          total amount of data which can be sorted by a single statement.
        </Msg 10030>
          Increase if MM I/O type error (-16001) in .lg file
          Unused space has no runtime overhead

          P23229, What are the new SQL parameters for Progress 9.1D?
          P33960, Certain SQL-92 queries are giving error 7631.

9.1D06 + -SQLTempPgSize <KBytes>             [SQL92 Login Broker parameter]

          Replace the -SQLTempStorePageSize parameter (see above).
          Size in Kilobytes of a temp table data page (aka MM data block).

          Value range: 4 - 256. Default value: 7 (It should be 8!)
          The maximum recommended value is 32 (solution 21112).

          It's an upper limit of temp table record size) and I/O unit of
          cache to disk writes. Temp file located in $WRKDIR directory.

        <Msg 10031>
          A temp table data page contains an integral number of data rows.
          Temp table data rows cannot span pages. All temp tables have the
          same page size. The page size controls how big one row of data
          (being sorted, for example) can be. A larger page size supports
          sorting data with larger rows. A larger page size can also cause
          wasted space.
        </Msg 10031>

          Increase if sorting very large records
          Increase if "row too big" (-16000) error during sort

          The value can be set as TPE_MM_BLOCKSIZE environment variable.

          P27124, Running larger SQL queries produces error (7631) on 9.1D
          P55344, MM Insertion error occurs with Complex SQL Query
                  that uses Left outer join
          P20605, Running Update Statistics on table yields error 7721
                  when using high TPE_MM_BLOCKSIZE

9.1D06 + -checkwidth [0|1|2]                     [Client Session parameter]

       <Solution P30966>
         It allows Progress to compare the width of data in a character,
         decimal, or raw field with the value of the _width property for
         that particular field.

         0 - keep the current behavior, storing beyond the _width
             (i.e. ignores _width value).
         1 - keep the current behavior generating a warning message before
             storing data larger than _width.
         2 - raise an error and do not store anything if data is too long.
       </Solution P30966>

         WARNING: Width of data is greater than <database>.<table>.<field>
                  (rowid <rowid>) _width. (10840)
           ERROR: Width of data is greater than <database>.<table>.<field>
                  (rowid <rowid>) _width. (10841)

9.1D06 + -XMLcharesc                             [Client Session parameter]

       <Solution P18554>
         A new startup parameter -XMLcharesc was added to enable a user
         to choose the default behavior (which is to save the ' " and >
         characters as ' " and > respectively) when doing
         a DOM save, or to save these characters as the symbols themselves.
       </Solution P18554>

9.1D07 as of Sep 24 2003

9.1D07  -checkwidth [0|1|2]                      [Client Session parameter]

         The violation of -checkwidth is recorded to a database log as well
         and not only to a screen. Issue #20030813-021

9.1D07  -ERO                            [Database Broker startup parameter]

         Enhanced Read-Only mode is disable outside Fathom Replication:
         ERO is not a supported startup argument at this time. (11170)
         Issue #20030528-049

9.1D07 + -combofont                                               [Unknown]

          No arguments required.

9.1D07 + -mc                           [Client/AppServer Session parameter]

          Turn On Message Compression.
          Issue #20030903-030: need compression for appserver-client.
          This functionality is not available until V9.1D08

9.1D07 + -SG <n>  Number of Sort Groups        [Idxbuild utility parameter]

          Value range: 8 through 64, default value is 48.
        <9.1D07 Release Notes>
          * The index rebuild utility allocates more memory for sorting and
            merging.  This additional memory reduces the elapsed time
            required for sorting and merging key values.  In this release,
            amount of memory required for buffers is:

            (number of sort groups) * (-TB) * (-TM + 1) kilobytes.

          * This release of the index rebuild tool requires approximately
            the same amount of disk space for sorting and merging as
            the previous version.

          * This release of the index rebuild tool uses more temporary
            files than the previous version.  A set of temporary files
            may be opened for each sort group for each entry in the file
            that specifies size and location of scratch files used by
            index rebuild.
        </9.1D07 Release Notes>

          P43351, Progress 9.1D07 service pack provides enhanced reindex
          P46614, How to make idxbuild faster (starting with 9.1D07)?

9.1D07 + -tmpbsize [1|8]                         [Client Session parameter]

          Temp-table Block Size.
          Possible values: 1 and 8. Default value: 1.
        <9.1D07 Release Notes>
          In addition, the behaviour of the client startup parameter "-Bt"
          has been changed.  Previously, the value specified was
          in kilobyte units. It is now the number of buffers, consistent
          with the -B database parameter.
        </9.1D07 Release Notes>

        Temp-table block size used in early versions:
        BlkSz RPB Progress
          1K   32  V8 on Unix
          4K   32  V8 on Windows
          8K  128  V9.0+
          1K   32  V9.1A0X (Issue #20010605-015)
          8K  256  V9.1D05 (Issue #20021208-001)
          1K   32  V9.1D07 with default value of -tmpbsize
          8K  256  V9.1D07 with any value differed from default.

        P43350, Progress 9.1D07 service pack provides enhanced performance
        20339,  How Parameter -Bt Works With Temp-Tables

9.1D07 + -XMLattresc                             [Client Session parameter]

       <Issue #20030428-010>
          XML: decoding of attribute values XML characters '
          and > are erroneously decoded when used in attribute values.
       </Issue #20030428-010>

9.1D07 + -zLmc <n>   See msg 11237               [Client/AppServer Session]

         Compresion level used to compress messages to and from the server.
         Value range: 1 - 9
         -zLmc 1 gives the best speed, 9 gives the best compression.

         The functionality behind the -Z*mc parameters is not available
         until V9.1D08

9.1D07 + -zMmc <Kilobites>  See msg 11236        [Client/AppServer Session]

         The value in kilobytes identifing the size of the buffer used
         to compress messages to and from the server.
         Value range: 8 - 32

9.1D07 + -zMminmc <Bytes>  See msg 11238         [Client/AppServer Session]

         The minimum size for an uncompresed message before it is
         considered for compression.
         Value range: 0 - 32,000

9.1D08 as of Jan 20 2004

9.1D08   -mc                           [Client/AppServer Session parameter]

          Turn On Message Compression.
          Also see the -zMmc, -zLmc, -zMinmc parameters.

          Issue #20030903-030: need compression for appserver-clien
        <READMESP V9.1D08>
          Message Compression (20040116-003)

          The message compression startup switch, "-mc", should be set only
          for Progress clients talking to compatible servers.  Use the "-mc"
          startup switch between Progress 9.1D08 clients and Progress 9.1D08

          9.1D08 clients to other versioned servers and viceversa are also
          unsupported.  Attempting to exercise compression between
          incompatible client\server combinations will result in communication
          errors which will be resolved in subsequent patches to both versions.

          Regardless, it is important to remember that compression will be
          disabled when clients that turn on compression connect to AppServers
          that do not have this capability.
        </READMESP V9.1D08>

9.1D08 + -glbshvarfix                          [Compiler Session parameter]

        Bug# 20030924-031 deals with the fact that if a procedure has
        global shared variables with initial values, the compiled r-code
        for that procedure is not fully portable between OS platforms.
        This was fixed on both OE10 and 9.1D08, but as it required a change
        in r-code format.
        Because of this, 9.1D08 contains the -glbshvarfix parameter to
        explicitely activate the fix -it must be specified for the compiler
        session for the bug fix to take effect- to safeguard the rcode
        compatibility with earlier service pack levels.

9.1D08 + -noincrwarn                   [Client/AppServer Session parameter]
        Suppress warning messages (5407),(5408),(5409),(5410):
        WARNING: [-nb|-l|-mmax|-D] exceeded. 
        Automatically increasing from <old value> to <new value>. (54XX)

        KB-P79795: How to suppress warning messages (5407),(5408),(5409),(5410)
                   from displaying on client screens.  From 9.1D08 onward.

9.1D09 as of May 26 2004
9.1D09   -sbhelp                                                  [Unknown]

10.0A as of Dec 13 2003

10.0A   -cpinternal/-cpstream 

         These parameter now support Unicode for interactive GUI clients
         (Unicode GUI clients)

         V9.1D/3.1D Webspeed supports Unicode

         In version 9.1B, Progress supports Unicode as an internal code page
         in the Batch Client, Application Server, SQL-92 Server, and
         Database Server.
         Unicode is not supported in WebSpeed agents, GUI and Character
         Clients, and Dataservers.

10.0A   -logentrytypes <List>                    [Client Session parameter]

         A character string that specifies a comma-separated list of
         log entry types.
         By default, the logging level you specify using the Logging Level
         (-logginglevel) startup parameter applies to all log entry types
         specified. However, you can specify a different logging level
         for each entry type, as follows:  log-entry-type[:level]
         A logging level has value between 0 and 4.

         The value can be change using LOG-MANAGER:LOG-ENTRY-TYPES.

10.0A + -Binding <name>                  [Web Service connection parameter]

        Local name of the binding element contained in the WSDL document.
        Used in conjunction with SoapEndpoint. This parameter is optional
        if the WSDL contains only one binding.
        If -Binding is specified in the SERVER:CONNECT connect-options
        string, -SOAPEndPoint must also be specified.
        If -Service and/or -Port are specified in the SERVER:CONNECT
        connect-options string, neither -Binding nor -SOAPEndpoint is valid.

10.0A + -BindingNamespace <namespace>    [Web Service connection parameter]

        The namespace of the binding element within the WSDL document that
        the application will use. This optional field is needed only
        if the local binding-name is not unique.

10.0A + -debugReady [0 | port-number]            [Client Session parameter]

        The port on which Progress opens a socket for connecting to
        the attachable Debugger.

10.0A + -IB                                                       [Unknown]

10.0A + -connectionLifetime <Seconds>  [AppServer session model connection]

        The maximum number of seconds that a given connection can be used
        before it is destroyed. Connections whose lifetime exceeds
        the specified value are destroyed as they become available.
        Default value: 300.

        An available connection is one that is not currently reserved to
        run a request. Bound connections associated with remote persistent
        procedures are not available for re-use until the persistent
        procedure is deleted. So, bound connections remain available as
        long as necessary, even if they exceed the specified value.

10.0A + -initialConnections <Connections> [AppServer session model connect]

        The number of connections established when the CONNECT() method
        executes on a given server handle. If the specified number of
        connections cannot be created, the CONNECT() method fails and
        any successfully-created connections are closed.
        Values should be great than zero. Default value: 1.

10.0A + -maxConnections <num-connections>    [Web Service connection param]

        Maximum number of connections maintained between the client and
        the Web Server for asynchronous requests.
        If num connections is less than or equal to 0, the application is
        requesting no predefined limit on the number of connections.
        If the client application exceeds the specified number of
        connections, the asynchronous requests are queued.

10.0A + -minConnections                  [Web Service connection parameter]

10.0A + -nsClientDelay <MilliSeconds>  [AppServer session model connection]

        The interval, in milliseconds, that the client waits between
        attempts to get a valid UDP port number when attempting
        to communicate with the NameServer.
        Default value: 0.

10.0A + -nsClientMaxPort <portNum>     [AppServer session model connection]

        The maximum value for the UDP port number used by the client when
        communicating with the NameServer. If this value is zero, OpenEdge
        chooses the NameServer client port randomly.
        Default value: 0.

10.0A + -nsClientMinPort <portNum>     [AppServer session model connection]

        The minimum value for the UDP port number used by the client when
        communicating with the NameServer. If this value is zero, OpenEdge
        chooses the NameServer client port randomly.
        Default value: 0.

10.0A + -nsClientPicklistExpiration <Seconds>     [AppServer session model]

        The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that the client retains
        an AppServer pick list for an application service.
        Default value: 300.

10.0A + -nsClientPicklistSize <Picks>  [AppServer session model connection]

        The number of AppServer picks to request from the NameServer each
        time it looks up the available AppServer connections for a given
        application service name.
        Default value: 1

10.0A + -nsClientRetry                 [AppServer session model connection]

10.0A + -numlogfiles <n>                         [Client Session parameter]

        The number of log files to keep. You also can use the NUM-LOG-FILES
        attribute on the LOG-MANAGER system handle.
        Value range: 0, 2 or greater.
        0 means there is no limit on the number of log files to keep.
        Default value: 3.

10.0A + -Port <port-name>                [Web Service connection parameter]

        The local name of the port element contained within the service
        element. Used in conjunction with -Service.
        This parameter is optional if -Service contains only one port.

10.0A + -Service <service-name>          [Web Service connection parameter]

        The local name of the service element within the WSDL document
        that the application will use. This field is optional.
        Many WSDL documents only support one service and this parameter is
        optional if there is only one (or zero) service elements defined.
        Used in conjunction with -Port.

10.0A + -ServiceNamespace <service-namespace>      [Web Service connection]

        The namespace of the service element within the WSDL document that
        the application will use. Most WSDL documents only support one
        service and this parameter is optional if there is only one service
        defined. This parameter is used in conjunction with -Service and
        is ignored if -Service was not specified.
        This parameter is optional if namespace is included in -Service.

10.0A + -SOAPEndpoint <URL-endpoint>     [Web Service connection parameter]

        The URL identifying the endpoint for this Web Service.
        Used in conjunction with Binding. It is an error to use
        this parameter in conjunction with -Service or -Port.

10.0A + -SOAPEndpointUserid <user-id>    [Web Service connection parameter]

        Optional user account name to use to connect to a Web Service
        that hosts the Web Server application. If -SOAPEndpointUserId
        is specified and -SOAPEndpointPassword is not, OpenEdge uses
        a blank password.

10.0A + -SOAPEndpointPassword <password> [Web Service connection parameter]

        Optional password to use with the -SoapEndpointUserId.
        This attribute is ignored if -SoapEndpointUserId is not specified.

10.0A + -TargetNamespace <targetNamespace>   [Web Service connection param]

        The namespace contained in the WSDL document. This parameter can
        be used as a version check. The information in this parameter is
        compared against the -TargetNamespace contained in the WSDL
        document. If they do NOT match the CONNECT() method fails.

10.0A + -WSDL <wsdl-document>            [Web Service connection parameter]

        The location of the WSDL document. This required parameter is
        the URL specified location of the WSDL document. The document can
        be local or remote. The location can optionally contain a users
        account name and password to use when connecting to the Web Server.
        If the protocol is not part of the wsdl-document's URL, the 'file'
        protocol is assumed. Additionally, the 'file' can be a relative
        pathname as it is relative to the current-working directory.
        The -WSDL parameter must be specified when connecting to
        a Web Service

10.0A + -WSDLUserid <user-id>            [Web Service connection parameter]

        Optional user account name to use to connect to a Web Service that
        hosts the WSDL document. If -WSDLUserId is specified
        and -WSDLPassword is not, OpenEdge uses a blank password.

10.0A + -WSDLPassword <password>         [Web Service connection parameter]

        Optional password to use with the -WSDLUserId. This attribute is
        ignored if -WSDLUserId is not specified.

10.0A + -xbsa                                       [Backup Services API ?]
10.0A + -xbsahost                                   [Backup Services API ?]
10.0A + -xbsapolicy                                 [Backup Services API ?]
10.0A + -xbsaschedule                               [Backup Services API ?]

10.0B as of Aug  5 2004

10.0B + -REPLTargetCreation                      [Online Utility parameter]

        KB-P92539: Fathom High Availability Replication 10.0B
        Specify the -REPLTargetCreation parameter anytime an online backup
        or a proquiet is performed against a Replication Source database.

10.0B + -certstorepath <path>                                     [Unknown]
        SSL Certificate Store Path (msg 12265)
        certStorePath in file
        under the CGIIP section.
        Default is $DLC/certs (?) - msg 12171.

10.0B + -keyalias <alias-name>                  [Database Server parameter]

        keyAlias in file.
        Specifies the alias name of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) private
        key/digital certificate key-store entry to use.
        Use Key Alias (-keyalias) to identify a SSL private key/digital
        certificate key-store other than the default.

10.0B + -keyaliaspasswd <Password>              [Database Server parameter]

        keyAliasPasswd in file.
        Specifies the encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Key Alias Password
        to use to access the server’s private key/digital certificate
        key-store entry. 
        The default is "password".
        Use Key Alias Password (-keyaliaspasswd) to allow access to
        the Key Alias when you use a Key Alias other than the default.
        The key-alias-password value must be encrypted.
        You can use the genpassword utility, located in your installation’s
        bin directory, to encrypt the password.

10.0B + -keystorepasswd                                           [Unknown]
        keyStorePasswd in file.

10.0B + -keystorepath                                             [Unknown]

        keyStorePath in file.
        Default is $DLC/keys/

10.0B + -nosessioncache                            [Login Broker parameter]

        noSessionCache in file.
        Use No Session Cache (-nosessioncache) to disable SSL session caching.
        Session caching allows a client to reuse a previously established
        session if it reconnects prior to the session cache timeout expiring.
        Use No Session Cache (-nosessioncache) to disable this feature.
        Session caching is enabled by default.

10.0B + -nosessionreuse                          [Client Session parameter]

        Use No Session Reuse (-nosessionreuse) when you do not want to reuse
        a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) session ID to reconnect to the same
        SSL-enabled database server.

10.0B + -sessionModel <model>              [AppServer Connection parameter]   

        This property must be set for session-free application.
        It is optional for session-managed applications.
        The value for the -sessionModel parameter is case-sensitive. (KB-P40074)

        Possible values: Session-managed

        Example: <server-handle>:CONNECT("-sessionModel Session-free.......").

10.0B + -sessiontimeout <Seconds>          [Login Broker startup parameter]

        Specifies in seconds the length of time a SSL session will be held
        in the SSL session cache.
        The default is 180 seconds.
        Use Session Timeout (-sessiontimeout) to change the length of time
        that a SSL session will be cached.
        SSL session caching allows a client to reuse a previously established
        SSL session if it reconnects prior to the SSL session cache timeout

10.0B + -ssl                                [Client/Login Broker parameter]

        Also sslEnable in file.
        Use SSL-based Connection (-ssl) to specify a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
        connection to all database and client connections for data privacy.
        SSL provides an authenticated and encrypted peer-to-peer TCP connection.

        Note: Be sure you need SSL before using this parameter.
        SSL incurs more or less heavy performance penalties,
        depending on resources and load.

        This parameter applies to ALL database connections from current
        client session (KB-P85399).

        Example: proserve <dbname> -S <port> -ssl

10.0B + -sslalgorithms                                            [Unknown]

See in


10.0B01 as of Dec  9 2004

10.0B01 + -ttmarshal <n>
      Issue #20040901-001:
        A new startup option is needed to allow temp-table marshalling
        to be controlled from the session level. Also a new property of
        temp-tables is needed to allow full marshal to override the session
        startup. The startup will be -ttmarshal and the property will be
        SCHEMA-MARSHAL. NOTE: using -ttmarshal with n > 2 or
        using NO-SCHEMA-MARSHAL or NONE may cause GPFs if the receiving
        table is a ? handle or has mismatched fields.

Progress books and publications


Books and other publications about Progress 4GL


Coding Smart

By Michael Lonski, Allegro Consultants

A real how-to book on coding with and using SmartObjects or ADM2 with the Progress 4GL

White Star Software

"Making Good Progress", "Progressions Magazine" and more

Roadmap To The Smartobjects

By John D. Johnson

Dan Foreman

various publications on performance and database administration by Dan Foreman

DBA Linux Handbook

This book is about databases on Linux. The book contains a chapter on Progress, written by Geoff Crawford and Tom Bascom. ISBN 1-928994-04-0

Send e-mail through Progress


How do I send an email through Progress?


There are many solutions:

A1: Use the smtpmail.p program from

A2: os-command no-wait value("start").

A3: see send email through Outlook using its COM-interface

A4: see for MAPI

A5: to send email through the COM-interface of Lotus Notes, see page 553

Send mail using Lotus Notes

We are using Lotus Notes instead of Outlook. How can we send e-mail with Notes?


Found on Peg, sent by Torben Jensby Christensen on 13 december 2002.

/* Procedure to send mail using Lotus Notes 4.6
 * Has been tested to work with
 *    Lotus Notes 4.6.7
 * 16.06.2000 TJC Created
 * 30.07.2000 TJC modified to find users mail file

IF msgRecip = "":U THEN DO:
   MESSAGE "No recipient entered, no mail created":T80


/* Create a session and log on -- username and password in profile */
   MESSAGE "Unable to connect to users mail file":T80
mail-file = notessession:GetEnvironmentString("MailFile":U,YES).
IF mail-file = "" THEN DO:
   MESSAGE "Unable to connect to users mail file":T80
mail-server = notessession:GetEnvironmentString("MailServer":U,YES).

/* Set db and create document */
notesDB = notessession:GetDatabase(mail-server , mail-file).

/* create a message and fill in its properties */
   notesDoc = notesDB:CREATEDOCUMENT
   notesdoc:Form = "Memo":U
   notesDoc:Subject = msgtitle
   notesDoc:Body = msgbody
   msgrecip = REPLACE(msgrecip,"|":U,",":U)
   notesDoc:SendTo = msgrecip

/* Create attachments */
DO i = 1 TO NUM-ENTRIES(msgAttach,"|":U):
   curAttach =  ENTRY(i,msgAttach,"|":U).
   IF curattach NE "":U THEN DO:
      notesAttach = notesDoc:CreateRichTextItem("API PRO file":U).
      notesAttach:EMBEDOBJECT(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, 0, curattach,"API PRO file":U).

/* notesDoc:save(true, false). */
   notesDoc:SaveMessageOnSend = TRUE
notesDoc:send(False, msgrecip).
IF msgattach GT "":U THEN RELEASE OBJECT notesAttach NO-ERROR.

There is a similar, but different solution available at freeframework:

Webspeed Alternatives

Are there free or cheap alternatives for webspeed?

Hypothetical Scenario:

Your company is licensed for 120 users using a Progress 8.3E database running on Unix/Linux, supporting 80 self-service character clients and 40 Windows users doing client-server. You do not own AppServer or WebSpeed. Your Web Server is Apache on Linux or IIS on Windows.

The company wishes to develop a small web-based application for internal-use only, available to all 120 users, but maybe averaging 0-100 hits per day. You are not convinced purchasing Progress WebSpeed makes sense economically.

You would like to develop and demo a website as inexpensively as possible. You realize that other tools exists such as PHP, MySQL, JSP, VB, or ASP via ODBC drivers, but you prefer to use the more familiar Progress 4GL and database technologies where reasonable.

You have one or more staff members with the following expertise available: 4GL-guru, Unix-guru, MCSE, HTML, JavaScript.


Note: Anyone is free to edit this FAQ, but PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PAGE TO SELL/ADVERTISE. Links and comparative information are ok.

Please include:
* Name of product Webspeed-like product (include WebSpeed for compare).
* MINIMUM out-of-pocket cost to "go-live" (1 developer, 1 intranet user), and also to support say 50 internal users doing random access.
* Web link to product download site and/or email address for more information.

The baseline product from Progress is: WebSpeed - $5000 (min 5-AGENTS) An agent may represent > 1 users.

Here are some WebSpeed-like alternatives:

proCGI - free (not sure it's still available here)
An updated, simpler script suitable for Perl 5+, as well as
implementation tricks and tips is available from The script has been
successfully used for a number of small commercial applications.

Blue Diamond - free

(open-source, fee-based support available) Author: Scott Auge (

Ganimede - free

open-source GNU LGPL) - Author: Marian Edu ( : Ganimede on PosseNet : Ganimede on SourceForge : Ganimede & WsNewsKit Live

Carrier Wave - free

(open source) uses a lot of POSSE and FFW code,

Web site is hopelessly outdated, email author for information. Author: Tony Auerbach []

ChWP - free

(open-source GNU LGPL) - Author: Petr Vavrinec ( : ChWP on SourceForge

Iris - free

open source based on POSSE and FFW) Author: Tomasz Judycki (

Workgroup DB server is enough for deployment

High compatibility with Webspeed including HTML mapping (the same application could be deployed under Webspeed or under Iris)

Load balancing

Integrated with FFW

Tested under Windows and Linux


Author: Claudemiro Pacheco (

Tom Bascom's Named Pipes on Unix

described in the Linux DBA book
(ISBN 1-928994-04-0), starts a persistent session and listens on the pipe thus avoiding session start/stop overhead with each request. Works with any version of Progress 4gl back to v4 (maybe even v3).

Web4Each - (500)