
progname in RUN-statement is not UNIX-compatible

Rule "runname" gives this warning when it finds a "RUN program" statement where the name of the program
contains backslashes instead of forwardslashes or when the name contains uppercase characters.

Prolint also looks at RUN VALUE(expression) statements, but then it can only raise the warning if the expression
contains one or more string literals, and one of these strings contains backslashes or uppercase characters.

RUN-statement does not end with period

Prolint performs this extra test while it is running rule "runname". Every statement has to end in a period, but
when running on a Provision license it is sometimes possible to have a RUN statement that doesn't end with a period.
Such a program won't work when deployed to a site with a runtime license.

the risc:

It may lead to "file not found"-errors if programs are copied to Unix.

how to solve this:

Replace backslashes by forwardslashes, make sure to use only lowercase characters in program names.

How to suppress these warnings:

You can put directive {&_proparse_ prolint-nowarn(runname)} directly before the RUN statement.
See also: suppress warnings.

This rule is implemented in Turbolint.