UML Generation Example

Version en espaƱol

The attached files includes xrefsrc database tables data, xml files generated with this data and the EAP transfer of the generated UML (one for each generation step).

  1. After loading xrfdat and xrfprg with the provided data run com/nomadesoft/ns_startup.p and answer 'yes' to xml generation question (first question):
    1. Don't generate data model xml.
    2. Do generate xref xml:
      1. Choose if you want readable xml or not (continous stream, important only for alias.xml)
      2. Enter xml file name (xrefejemplo.xml) and choose the module to generate xml for: "ejemplo".
      3. Enter xml file name for notes (notasejemplo.xml).
  2. Provided xrefejemplo.xml and notasejemplo.xml are the xml generated from xrefsrc database provided data.
  3. Copy xml files (usually generated on C:\OpenEdge\WRK) to project root dir.
  4. Answer 'yes' to xml processing question.
    1. Choose full building (not incremental) by answering 'no' to the question, this empties repository.
    2. Accept stereotype mapping proposed.
    3. Don't generate data model.
    4. Do process xref xml:
      1. Enter xml file name (xrefejemplo.xml).
      2. Choose options "Crear Objetos" (create objects), "Crear Enlaces" (create links) and "Mover UFs" (move packages), the rest must be leaved with 'no', usually fails on incremental builds.
  5. Answer 'no' to the remaining questions, this finishes the first step, obtaining example1.EAP repository state.
  6. Run ns_startup.p again and answer 'no' to xml generation.
  7. Accept xml processing and choose incremental generation.
  8. Accept stereotype mapping, don't generate data model, answer 'yes' to xref xml processing:
    1. Enter xml file name (xrefejemplo.xml) and leave the first three options in 'no' (the ones you anser 'yes' in previous run) and choose to execute: "Crear Diagramas" (create diagrams), "Ocultar Conns" (hide connectors) and "Limpiar Tablas" (clean tables) (class that generates file links is not distributed with the source files, so if you choose "Enlace a Archivo" the program will fail).
    2. Process notes xml.
      1. Enter notes xml file name (notasejemplo.xml) ans answer 'no' to "Enlace Archivo" (file link).
  9. Answer 'no' to the remaining questions, obtaining example2.EAP repository.
  10. Use Enterprise Architect to automatically order diagram elements, obtaining example3.EAP.