Download & Install

Download and Install Using Eclipse's Update Manager

See Install Instructions.

The latest release is 1.7.2, as of June 28, 2007. Be sure to see the special update instructions, below.

The URL that you will require for installing ProRefactor via Eclipse's Update Manager is:

Standalone JAR

See Standalone Jar File for details.

OpenEdge Architect

OE Architect 10.1A ships with (and points its shortcuts to) Java 1.4, but ProRefactor requires Java 5. Download and install the latest Java, then simply copy and change the OE Architect shortcut: remove or change the -vm argument. (Simply removing it lets Eclipse find the default Java on your computer.) After that, the usual Help->Install routine for installing ProRefactor seems to work fine. (Tested with the 10.1a01 patch installed.)

Adding ProRefactor Configuration to Existing Projects

If you create a ProRefactor Project, then this step is not necessary. If you create a project of any other sort (such as Simple or OpenEdge) then open the project's .project file, and add the following line to the natures section:


Special update instructions for specific versions

Version 1.6.0, April 13, 2007

You must re-dump your schema, using the Project Config Dump version 002. Field extent has been added to the schema dump layout, so old schema dump files will not work with ProRefactor 1.6.

Version 1.4.0, March 29, 2006

Version 1.3.0, Feb 2006

Version 1.2.3, Jan 2005

If you currently have the old plugin installed, please follow these steps to upgrade:

Install Instructions

ProRefactor is an Eclipse plug-in, and Eclipse provides a user interface to make the installation and updates of plug-ins easy. If you have ever used Eclipse's Feature Updates wizard in the past, then you probably do not need to read this section at all.


ProRefactor and Eclipse require a recent version of Java. Java can be freely downloaded and installed from


ProRefactor requires a recent version of Eclipse. Eclipse can be freely downloaded and installed from
Note:ProRefactor creates a prorefactor subdirectory in your Eclipse working directory. Your project settings are stored there, and ProRefactor writes various additional files and directories there.


Start Eclipse and choose Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... and use the following URL:

Linux and Unixes

The Proparse shared libraries are not distributed with ProRefactor, and those must be installed separately. Proparse comes with its own install notes, but there are a few additional items worth mention with regards to ProRefactor. The shared libraries and the DLL symlink may be installed into one of two places: either into the org.prorefactor.core plug-in directory, or else into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent). Since there is a new org.prorefactor.core plug-in directory with each new ProRefactor release, it probably only makes sense to install Proparse's shared libraries into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Note: Linux provides a shared library loading mechanism via the /etc/ file. This does not (at present) work for loading shared libraries into Java or Eclipse.

All Done

You should now be able to select the ProRefactor perspective from Eclipse's Window menu.